Playdates and Sleepovers

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It was a rainy Tuesday, Tubbo staring out the window at the hard pouring rain, looking for a specific grey car. Since it was raining Tommy and Tubbo couldn't meet up at the park, so Phil suggested a play date at one of their houses.

George offered for them to come over to their house, and ever since they told Tubbo Tommy was coming over his eyes hadn't left the window. When he wasn't looking out the window he was watching the door.

Tubbo was dressed in a button-up shirt with a soft green sweater over it. Sapnap chuckled at the little boy when he walked in, "Hey Tubbo. Waiting for Tommy?" He hummed when Tubbo nodded.

"Gonna have a playdate?" Another nod. "Is he gonna sleep over too?" Sapnap quipped with a snicker. At first, he thought it was funny, he really did. But when he saw the shimmer in Tubbo's eyes he realized his mistake.

"S'eepova?" The boy's eyes held stars as he grinned in hope. Sapnap awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck."UhM- Hey Tubbo do you want a cookie?" He quickly tried to change the subject.

Thankfully it worked, Tubbo nodding as he snatched Sapnap's hand and tried to pull him to the pantry. Sapnap smiled at that, pulling out a cookie and handing it to the boy, sighing as he narrowly avoided whatever disaster what bound to happen if he answered the younger's question.

Or so he thought he avoided.


Phil and Tommy arrived quite quickly, Phil had informed them that he lived a block away. Once the car pulled up to the driveway Tubbo was already yanking at the doorknob, thankfully not unlocking it. George went over to unlock it for him.

Once it was unlocked a whirl of red and white tackled Tubbo to the ground. Tubbo shrieked in laughter, the boy sitting on top of him laughing just as loudly. Phil carefully pulled Tommy off of Tubbo, saying something along the lines of "Tommy we don't attack our friends".

George's hands twitched in parental concern, it seemed to always do that now. Ever since he found Tubbo he found himself fussing over the little boy if he swayed off balance for a split second. He inwardly sighed, 'I gotta stop doing that.'

He felt a hand slide into his, he looked up, brown eyes meeting with green pools of softness and concern. That seemed to ground him, smiling at Dream, squeezing his hand slightly, Dream squeezed back as if it was silent communication.

'Thank you.'

'Any time.'

Tommy and Tubbo got to their usual shenanigans, which varied from quiet drawing to a pillow war. The boys seemed to greatly enjoy the other's company, their parents noticed. Phil commented about it, striking an iconic wheeze out of Dream.

After about an hour or two Tubbo ran over to the adults, Tommy's hand wrapped around his, " Sappap!! Sappap!!" Tubbo giggled, mispronouncing the name slightly. Sapnap lit up at that, 'He said my name first, I'm totally gonna brag about that.'

"What's up, kiddo?" Sapnap questioned. Tubbo pulled at Tommy's arm, pointing at Sapnap with a giddy grin. Tommy had a matching grin as he spoke, "Bee say I can s'eepova!"

Sapnap's face seemed to light up in horror and embarrassment, his face the shade of cherries. Dream, seeing this, snickered slightly, "I wonder where he got that from, 'Sappap'?" He spoke, mimicking the word Tubbo had said.

The pride that came with Tubbo saying his name seemed to disappear. 'Fuck.'

Tommy had, in fact, managed to convince the adults to let him sleep over. Phil drove home, saying he would be back to drop off pajamas and plushies, and coming back tomorrow to pick him back up in the early morning.

Tommy and Tubbo shared Tubbo's room. When it was bedtime, the trio offered to blow up a mattress for Tommy, but the blond boy already made himself at home on Tubbo's bed.

The three adults couldn't hold back a smile when they overheard Tubbo speaking so much, Tommy really got the boy out of his shell. They froze when they heard Tubbo say "Sappap, 'Ogy, an' Dweam!"

They didn't cry, they swore they didn't.

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