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No. This isn't how it was supposed to go. Where's my fairy-tale ending? Where's my shining prince in armor?

Oh, that's right. He's somewhere in the Arctic, his body blown to smithereens. Drifting and drifting, farther and farther away with the currents. His lifeless eyes open wide in surprise, his arms, legs, and other parts missing from what used to be a body. But that's no body, that is a piece of burnt flesh, and another one, and another one. Just fragments of a being, fragments of a boy. Of a boy who was blown up fighting.

A thin gold strand settles in the sand below the wreck, a simple locket, a simple locket with the picture of a happy couple.


"Hey! Don't worry about me! I'll be back in a few weeks...oh... Oh Neeks.." His soft voice reached my ears, but I couldn't process anything other then that he was being sent to war. He was leaving. Leaving to go die. Die and leave me here. Alone.

"Nico, don't cry, pretend I'm going on a trip! I will only be gone for a little while. And I'll write everyday." My love enveloped me in his arms, giving me the warmth of a million flames. I curled into his chest, sobs breaking through, my whole body heaving.

"Don't leave Will! I love you! Don't leave! Please!" I cried, clutching him like he was my life support. Which he is. Will is my home, my heart, my everything. He is my perfect prince from the tales. Without him..I don't know what I would be.

He smiled down at me, that smile that always made me feel better.
"Neeks. I was called for the draft. There's nothing I can do about it. I know I'm leaving but I will always be with you. Always."

I shook my head and sobbed louder. No. No no no. What gave them the right to take my Will away. Why couldn't they leave him out of this war!? Why?

The arms left me as Will walked to the military train, his smile still shining bright for me. I waved at my tear-blurred love as he boarded the train. Standing with hundreds of grieving others, I watched as the train took my prince away. My charming prince. And who knew when he would be back. I fisted the locket around my neck, remembering the moment he declared his love for me. The same moment he gave me this necklace.

My feet moved before my mind processed the idea.

"WILL. WILL WAIT." My voice came out hoarse from crying but he heard it anyway, appearing at the window. I panted to keep up with the train and dodge through the crowd, getting as close as humanly possible.

"WILL!" I yelled one last time, my locket flying through the air as it launched from my hand. It barely grazed his hand but barely was enough. Will held up the locket triumphantly as his smile stood strong, yet there were tears on the edges of his eyes. Then the train left the station and went out of view.

I waited for weeks, months. Waiting for my love to return to me. I got letters in the beginning- but slowly they stopped coming. The last letter was from 5 weeks ago. I lost hope in another letter, but never lost hope in my Will.

Another few months passed and still no letters. No nothing. I could only hope he is safe and warm and fed. And that he would come back to me. I wonder where he is at this moment. Maybe he is thinking about me too.

The months grew into a full year and I still stood waiting, waiting for him. Then news came. But it came from a newspaper.

'Plane Blown Up Mid-Mission. No Survivors.'

I read the article nervously, recognizing the plane's name. Sunshine was the aircraft's name. Will wrote about this plane in one of his early letters. How it's name was decided by him cause he was the pilot. The pilot of the currently blown-up plane that carried no survivors.

A nice woman helped me home from the store after that realization. I was too busy crying my guts out to care where I was. But I will continue to hope for my Will to return.

The notice came a few days later on my doorstep. The man with the stoic face and note of death.

"I'm sorry sir. But Will Solace died in war. He helped fight for this country and you should be very proud of him."

Yes. I was so proud. I was always proud of him. But being proud doesn't mean I'm happy.

My knees landed against the brick porch as my body gave up on carrying me. I sobbed, cries tearing up my throat and my heart wrenching as the news sunk in. It was official. My Will was dead. The newspaper was right. My Will was dead and wouldn't return.
I will never see his smile again.
I will never feel his embrace again.
I will never kiss him again.

I held the death notice in both hands, my tears staining the paper. They gave up. They think my Will is dead. But he's not. He will always be here. Always.

I'm still waiting for you Will. And I will never stop waiting for you to return. For you are my shining prince.
Forever and Always.

Solangelo Oneshots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now