Call Me Maybe

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In honor of the announcement for the new Percy Jackson series on Disney Plus, I feel as if I owe my precious boys one last oneshot. Thank you all for your support during my years. :)



Nico looked up from his book when he heard Chiron's voice calling all the cabins. Smiling softly, he stood, closing his Hunger Games and getting ready for the nightly event. After a few moments Nico was ready to head out- his aviator jacket fit snugly on his shoulder and his favorite red high tops were laced up. But still Nico didn't leave his cabin. He was under strict 'doctor's orders' to not leave until Will came to get him.

Nico sat down on his bed, thinking about the Apollo Child that has become one of his closest friends...and his biggest crush. Blushing, Nico thought of all the too-friendly hugs and touches; whether it was always sitting a little too close or just brushing hands when walking with each other. And all those little touches sent sparks flying through Nico's whole body, igniting his soul. If that made sense. You can't really describe the feeling. It's the rush of raising the dead.

"NICOOO. LETS GO~!" Somebody sang from behind the door. Nico leaped up and ran to the door, opening it quickly to come face to face with none other than the son of Apollo. Will grinned and grabbed Nico's hand, pulling the blushing demigod along.

They arrived a few minutes late, everybody was already seated around the purple flame that was burning skyscraper high. Will sat Nico down on the very first step, right in front. Looking up, Nico spotted Jason and Piper next to each other. Jason gave him a wave and an eyebrow wiggle, knowing about Nico's crush and always relentlessly teasing him for not making a move.

Nico turned to the front with a slight blush, surprised when he saw Will standing in the center of the temporary stage that was set up for the 'surprise' of the night.

Clearing his throat, Will leaned forward into the mic and his voice rang through the speakers.

"Hey everyone! I know you are all expecting your surprise but you have to wait until after the traditional songs! So let's get started!"

The camp cheered in response, making the flame crackle and spark wildly. Will motioned for the Apollo cabin to start, and after a few songs, Will held the mic to his mouth to regather everyone's attention.

"Okay! Well, you see, there's this mortal game called 'karaoke', which is really fun and so the Hephaestus cabin set up our own version of one. It has all the latest songs and can even measure your pitch!"

Every demigod in the stands raised their hand, some calling out and hollering. Nico was the only one with his hand down, never one for the spotlight. And maybe, just maybe, he just wanted to hear the handsome Apollo boy sing.

"What's going to happen is I'm going to pick two volunteers who will have a sing-off!" Will gave a dramatic search through the crowd, continuing to explain the game. "There will be a prize at the end for the better performer! So who is ready to show their talent?"

The game started off with two daughters of Aphrodite, who busted it down to some old Rap, much to the delight of the camp. Demigod after demigod followed, Apollo kids especially ready to show off and Ares kids amping up the competition. As it started getting late though, Chiron had to inform the crowd that it was time for the final song. The crowd went wild, trying to get picked. Nico looked around smiling- it's hard not to feel energized by such a happy crowd. (Also Percy and Grover's rendition of Under the Sea was hilarious.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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