Secret Santa

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"Will! You made it!" Hazel cried, opening the cabin door wider.

The seven and a few others were celebrating Christmas in the Hephastues cabin, and everybody was huddled around the towering Christmas Tree, all in ugly sweaters and mittens to get in the spirit.

Each demigod was a SecretSanta, happily hiding who they had. Nico eyed Annabeth, who unknowingly chatted with Percy,who had Frank. Percy had dumbly asked Nico for ideas for Frank cause "his birthday is coming up." Sometimes his nickname "Seaweed Brain" really fits.
Nico knew a few other Santas, but had no idea who had him.

"Hey Neeks!" Will called, walking over with a cup of hot chocolate, with the perfect number of marshmallows. Nico smiled shyly back at his friend/crush and couldn't help noticing how adorable Will looked in an ugly sweater.
Will's blond waves framed his face perfectly, enhancing the sharp cheekbones and button-up nose. Not to mention those lips, which were soft and plump from licking them in the cold weather.
Nico realized he was staring..again and blushed, matching the red sweater he wore. Will just smiled his odd grin and whispered in a low voice that sent shivers through Nico, "I hope my Secret Santa likes his gift."

Nico nodded in agreement and noticed the male reference in the statement. So that eliminated all the girls...

Cutting Nico from his thoughts, Will grabbed Nico's cold hand with his warm one and pulled him to the tree so the group could start.

"First up, Percy! Give your gift!" Piper said, gesturing to the large pile of gifts. Percy walked over and picked up a blue one with green wrapping and walked to Frank, who smiled, surprised. Frank then opened the box and found himself with a new set of arrows, all green like his favorite superhero; Green Arrow. Frank gushed and said his thanks, showing them off to Hazel.

The rest of the demigods went, loving their gifts and happily pleasing each other with a special present. Nico looked around worriedly, there was only one gift left and he and Piper remained without a present. Piper was then given new feathers by Annabeth and Nico figured out his Secret Santa.


Then Will stood and clapped his hands, holding one out for Nico to take.

"C'mon. Your gift is in the other room." Will whispered, lightly tugging him to the Hades cabin. The others didn't notice because they were too busy playing with their new things.

Once inside the God of The Underworld's cabin, Will shut off the light except for one in the very center of the room, right above the two boys. Confused, Nico cocked his head and Will chuckled, leaning in close enough that their breaths mingled and pointed upwards. Hanging above was a fresh bunch of mistletoe, promising a loved kiss. Blushing, Nico returned his gaze to Will's eyes, which were darkened with lust and excitement.

Leaning in to close the gap, Will pressed his lips lightly against Nico's, who shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around the taller demigods neck. Will gripped onto Nico's waist and deepened the kiss, slowly running his tongue along Nico's lower lip. Nico gasped at the wonderful touch, allowing Will to shove his tongue in and explore hungrily. A soft moan left Nico and he stepped closer, bringing their bodies together.

After a few heated moments, Will brought his head back, catching his breath. Nico smiled happily up at Will and rasped, "Best gift ever."

Chuckling, Will cupped his cheek adoringly and whispered back,

"Merry Christmas Neeks."

"Merry Christmas Will-y"



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