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****WILLS POV****
I raced through the woods, the leaves crunching underneath my powerful strides. The air was crisp and fresh, my senses catching every little movement in the trees or each flower's scent. The wind bit at my skin, burning my narrowed eyes. I slowed to a stop as soon as I caught sight of what I was looking for. My legs carried me to the waterfall, which was foaming and roaring so loud even my sensitive ears couldn't hear anything else. I sat back on my hind legs, calmly watching the rapid. The water vapor soon made my blond fur wet but I didn't mind. This was my spot. The one place I could go to to forget about my alpha duties. Nobody could bother me her-WHATS THAT SMELL. I SMELL HUMAN. HUMAN BAD. I instinctively growled, standing in a threatening position. I heard leaves crunch loudly, loud enough that I heard it over the waterfall anyway. The human must be running to make that ruckus.

My ears twitched as I thought this situation over. The human was still far enough away that I could run, but I needed to know who was in my pack's territory. Retreating to a nearby bush, I decided to see if this being posed a threat. But as soon as the human stepped into the clearing, a delicious scent found its way to my nose and my heart beat quickened. I whimpered as the one word I have never sensed before rang through my mind. Mate.

****NICOS POV****
I ran into the forest that was joined to my backyard, tears streaming down my face. I was done with the abuse, the hurtful words, the disgusted stares. School has been a hellhole for me ever since I came out of the closet. Nobody would talk to me, the closest human interaction I received was when the bullies would corner me and beat me to the brink of unconsciousness. I guess they thought beating the gay out of me would work...what morons. The beatings I could live with though, but the words teared me apart, inside out.

Faggot, weirdo, worthless, unwanted.

I could probably fight the hateful comments, but how can you protest if you agree with them?

As for my was already bad before I came out. My dad has been ruthlessly beating me since mom and sis died years ago. He comes home from gambling everyday and smashes his empty beer bottles against my skull, blaming me for their death. Saying it was my fault they were hit by a drunk bastard. And I couldn't defend myself against the beatings; resisting just made the punishment worse. Sometimes he would even lock me in my room and starve me, spending all my college savings I earned on beer and alcohol.

So I had nobody. My sister, she was my rock. My life source. And she's gone along with my mom. And they aren't ever coming back.

I couldn't wait to leave this town. A fresh start. But I was only 15. I couldn't leave yet, still had 3 more years. But once I can, no human on Earth could stop me.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I reached my waterfall, my little place of seclusion. I fell to my knees, sobbing my heart out. I stared at myself in the water, studying my pale face, dull brown eyes that were weighed with bags, and the fresh bruises decorating my cheeks. My hand crashed against the water, momentarily breaking the reflection and showing just how broken I was.

I sat there for a few moments, letting my tears stream down, sniffling occasionally. Suddenly, a stick snapping broke the forest's silence and I snapped my head up at the sound. A beautiful wolf stood across the waterfall's pond, gazing at me with thoughtful blue eyes. My brain's first command was to run but my heart rejected the thought. I trusted the wolf with all my heart, even though it could probably rip me to shreds. I didn't understand why I felt this way, I just did.

The wolf gracefully leaped across the narrow pond, landing infront of me. Surprisingly, I didn't flinch. Nothing about this creature scared me. Instead, just being next to it comforted me.

Carefully, I stretched my arm out to pet it, staring into the wolf's hypnotizing blue eyes for any sign of danger. My hand brushed against the soft fur and I started scratching behind its ear, laughing when I heard the wolf give a happy bark and nuzzled my hand. It flashed a wolfy smile and tackled me, making me laugh again and fall on my back against the dirt. I squeezed my eyes close against the bright sun, when the distinct sound of bones cracking echoed above me. I snapped my eyes open, now staring at a beautiful human with the same blue eyes and blonde hair as my wolf. He smiled at me as I stared at him, shocked. A...a werewolf? Those are only myths....

***Wills POV***

I kept my hands beside my mate's head, wanting to keep him here. The thought of him running away saddened me but..DUH. Werewolf here, supposed to be fake. Blah blah blah.

A gasp escaped his lips as his eyes inspected me curiously. My grin widened and I carefully started, "Hello-"


His face immediately blushed and I chuckled at his words, nodding. He stared off, probably battling his mind whether he should run and tell people or not. In the end, the boy shrugged underneath me, smiling a little.

"Okay, that's pretty cool. I'm Nico by the way." He said, smiling kindly.

Relieved but also amused he didn't freak out, I exhaled, responding, "I'm Will. And you are mine, Nico." I smirked at the end, watching his face get impossibly red at my words. He smirked back and wrapped his hands around my neck, saying, "And why is that, Will?"

Omg I loved hearing him say my name. New fave thing ever.

I kissed his cheek and said, "Because you are my mate."

I stared kissing down his jaw until I finally reached his lips, earning a small gasp when our lips touched. The kiss grew deeper and more heated but we had to part to gain some of that needed air. Ugh. What a pain to have to breathe.

Nico looked up at me and asked, "So does that mean I get to become a werewolf too? OH! And become part of your pack or something?! Like the movies?! ...Except for Twilight. I'm on team Edward so... "

I laughed and told him he could if he wanted too. With no hesitance at all, Nico nodded, pulling me into a hug. I smiled into his neck, sitting up so we could hug properly. He gasped and pulled back, slowly looking down my chest. I think he finally realized I was naked.

***Nicos POV***


I bit my lip, hiding my burning face in his neck while he shook from laughing. He stood up and I heard his feet patter away but I didn't dare watch him, putting my hands over my eyes...Okay.. Maybe I peeked....

He came back wearing a shirt and shorts, so I guess he had a secret stash of clothes here or something.

Will sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap again so we both faced the waterfall. He asked me about myself and I told him everything. And I mean everything. My childhood, my mom and sister, my abusive dad, school/hell, my hobbies, anything that came to my head. I felt like I could mate I guess...anything without him judging me. He squeezed me tight through the painful stories for support and at the end told me about himself.

His dad was alpha of the pack and he grew up being avoided cause nobody wanted to mess with the alpha's son. He inherited the alpha position when his dad got really injured in a fight against another pack and he has been alpha for almost 2 years now. And I also now know that we are only a year apart for age difference.

It started getting dark so he grabbed my hand and stood, pulling me to where his pack stayed deep in the forest. I followed along, knowing I won't miss anything about my old life, and excited for my new life with Will.


Also really important; thank you all for your wonderful comments! They make my day and I just love to get them! Thanks! Bye now~

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