Half-Blood...but fishier

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The sand shifted beneath his feet and a cold blanket of water covered his toes. Will smiled and pushed his wavy blond hair out of his eyes, studying the sudden storm. The ocean was especially rough today, but the weird thing was that it was flat yesterday. Will glanced at his blue swimsuit then out to the ocean longingly. It wasn't safe though. No idiot would- OH MY GOD THERE'S A PERSON OUT THERE.

Will ran into the water until it reached his knees and waved his hands to try and get the dark-haired swimmers attention. After a few seconds, Will realized the swimmer wasn't actually moving, only floating with the currents. Diving in, Will swam hard and fast, being an amazing swimmer and all, to the floating person. He grabbed the males torso, breathing hard. The dark water swirled beneath him, so black he couldn't see his legs. Will one-armed freestyled to a nearby flat rock and grunted, pulling the boy up.

The boy's legs still rested in the swirling water below but Will didn't have the strength to lift him anymore. Checking for breathing, Will was happily surprised that the man was very calm, with a resting heartbeat. Sighing, Will flopped into his back, catching his breath.

Suddenly the man next to him woke, sitting straight up. Will, surprised, looked over and saw the man freaking out.

"Oh my fish fins what am I doing here?!"

Will rolled his eyes and said,

"Saved your life buddy."

The man seemed startled when he caught sight of the human and hesitantly reached a hand out, having never been so close to one.

Will just cocked and eyebrow and watched the hand slowly trace across his chest until it landed at his waistband. The man next to him then grabbed his feet, turning Will around.

"Whoa! Dude, who are you anyway??"

Will stood, reclaiming his feet. The man didn't stand, he just pointed to himself and said, "I'm Nico. But my fellow friends call me the Ghost King."

Will smiled and sat back down, saying,
"I'm Will. But my friends call me Will. Why are you called the Ghost King?"

Nico laid down, sighing. "I'm supposed to inherit the kingdom but I don't want to, and the kingdom is freaky, like, haunted."

Will scooted closer, worried. Nico must've hit his head or something cause we don't have kingdoms anymore. Right?!

Nico sighed again, and told Will he should get going. Will just watched him sit up and slid down the rock underwater.

The last thing Will saw of him that day was a giant black tail propelling Nico away. Hold up what!?

That night, Will went to the library and checked out every book they had on mermen/mermaids. He read all the myths, all the sightings, everything everybody claimed was fake. But he knew now, and he couldn't wait to see Nico again. Will didn't want to capture him or anything, he was just fascinated by him, Nico have of a vibe that made Will want to know him, be friends with him, want more than friendship with him.

The next morning, the storm had cleared and Will was once agin walking along the shore. Without a plan, he just dove into the salty water, heading to their flat rock.

Climbing on top, Will stood up, trying to see as far as he could.

"NICOOOO?! NICO NICO C'MON." Will yelled, looking around for any signs of the merman.


"What the hell is a Neeks."

Will smiled down at his fishy-friend who surfaced, reaching a hand down to help Nico up. Nico flopped onto his belly, sighing contently in the sunshine.

Solangelo Oneshots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now