Drabbles (Multible ships)

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TW- one is NSFW; (can't think of anything else, tell me if I missed any warnings that are important.)

All these stories were either requests or things I made in my own time.


Karl heaved as he flopped down on his bed, exhausted from filming another video for Mr Beast. His sore limbs felt like jelly and knees felt like they were crumbling, while the sheets were so soft. He never wanted to get back up, feeling all his leftover energy fading quickly. He groaned as he buried his face further in the cool pillows, his eyelids feeling heavy already.

He pushed himself up, reminding himself that he had promised to stream.

Running a hand through his light brown hair he walked to his bathroom, blinking rapidly to awake himself. Arriving at his destination, he splashed cold water on his face in hopes to look more presentable. The cold was the least bit refreshing (him already cold from it being mid-December,) but he's sure it got the job done. He finished drying off then went back to his set up.

Setting up his stream was easy at least, and all that was left was too press the button that makes it all go public.

And click.

Karl put on a smile and started his stream.


He slouched in his chair after he ended the recording, running a hand through his hair. His adrenaline wearing off and sleepiness settling in. He was so tired, running around than getting straight to talking was exhausting.

A sense of enervation set in and he let his eyelids fall shut. He desired so desperately to sleep, wanting to feel refreshed and unfatigued.

But then his phone chimed.

Great, Karl thought bitterly, as he forced his eyes to open. Hair fell over his dark eyes as he reached across his desk to get his phone. On the, for some reason, super bright screen -- he quickly turned the brightness down -- he saw Quackity's name on top the 'new message' notification.

He unlocked his phone, going to see the message directly, he was met with something he did not expect.

'Wanna come over?'

Quackity had recently moved closer, no longer in Mexico and now residing on the farther ends of North Carolina. And Karl had yet the pleasure of seeing his new house (finished, as he had helped him move in.) But, it would be a pain to drive all the way there, and with how tired Karl was, he felt he'd fall asleep at the wheel.

As Karl continued to look down at the screen, the little bubble appeared at the bottom corner, signaling that the other was typing. So, he waited, staring at the three dots intently. They disappeared before being replaced by a message that read:

'We can play the wii and stream'.

Karl hummed to himself, contemplating his choices. He, of course, didn't want to say no, not only did he feel it would be rude, he didn't want to miss this opportunity to visit his friend so soon. But, then again, he had also just streamed and physical movement sounded unbearable at the moment. He weighed the pros and cons before deciding.

Upon letting his eyes close for a second too long, he jumped out his chair, quickly making his way out of the room to get ready. He sent a small 'sure' back and with the small new found excitement he dug up, he rushed himself to get ready.

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