Anxiety is shit (dreamnoblade)

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Technos mind was racing as him and his boyfriend drove. They were going to meet some of their friends at a local place for brunch, and Techno finally decided it was time to tell them of their relationship. It made him anxious, what if they hated him after? Avoided him, spread rumors, outed them to their fans when he wasn't ready.

He twisted his fingers and bounced his leg as he watched the road. He glanced at Dream, his lover, he seemed calm, unworried. Dream must've felt his starring, because he gave a quick look at techno, giving a small sad smile, "You're worried, aren't you?" He said as he turned into the parking lot.

They've arrived. Techno nodded, unable to form words. The other parked the car in an empty spot before turning to his lover. Dream grabbed Technos hand, carefully bringing it up to his lips. He gave a soft kisses against his knuckles, making Technos cheeks have a small red glow.

"Everything will be fine, I'll be with you every step of the way." He spoke, his green eyes soft as they looked into the others.

They both smiled, enjoying a comfortable silence. "Yeah," Techno spoke with a new found courage.

Dream chuckled, before carefully letting go of Technos hand. They both got out of the car, ready to face everyone.


I feel high.
I wrote this in record speed. Literally, I've never written a story this fast. It took me like 10 minutes. Wow. (Couldn't think of a good title tho -.-)

Anyway, this is short and sweet, just how I wanted it. And now I have to get back to school. :d

Well,,, maybe I'll write somemore.

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