Lines (Sapnotfound)

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TW- Cutting; Blood; Sensitive topics; Panic attack;

Please don't read this if you are sensitive to topics such as blood or cutting. Even though I made it so its not to detailed, its still written out and descriptive. Just be careful. :)


George fell to his knees next to his crying lover. The coldness of the tile floor could be felt through his jeans. Sapnap muttered apologies over and over. He tried to hide his face, not wanting to look the taller in the eye.

George felt tears weld up, threading to spill, but he blinked them back. He had to be strong. "Shhh," He tried to calm the younger. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you." Sapnap was racked with sobs, his shoulders shaking.

He had to admit, he was shocked to find his partner in this state. 'Specially when a sharp blade clinking to the bathroom floor. Liquid splattering after it. He knew exactly what Sapnap had done to himself.

George hesitantly reached his arms out, before stopping. "May I touch you?" He asked softly. Sapnap froze, then nodded. George gently wrapped his arms around the fragile boy. He touched him as if he was made of glass and could break in an instant. Sapnap buried his face into George's chest, like he was trying to not be seen. Hot tears fell onto the blue shirt George was wearing. He could feel the wet spots stick to his skin but tried to ignore it.

He slowly rocked his lover back and forth, trying to get him to calm down. George could feel his eyes burn with unwanted tears. A warm substance leaked from where Sapnap had his hands placed, gripping the blue fabric. George could feel it. As it stained both their skin and Georges shirt. He held Sapnap in a tighter embrace, starting to whisper sweet nothings into his ear. 

Overtime, Sapnaps breathing slowed and his sobs turned into sniffles. George carefully pulled back from the embrace. Not all the way, but enough that he could see the boys tear-stained cheeks. "Hey baby," George said with a low voice, almost a whisper. He putting a hand on Sapnap's cheek, rubbing away the tears lightly. He made eye contact with tear-filled eyes, and felt his heart ache.

Sapnap's eyes still had a few tears leaking, long lashes collecting tears on them. His face was red, specially around his eyes. Lips quivering still. His eyes had a gaze of fear in them, a fear of being abandoned. And that made George's heart break in pieces.

"I'm not going to leave you, okay? I'm not mad," George gave a small kiss to Sapnap's forehead, gaining a small tearful smile from the boy. "I love you," He whispered against his skin. George let his hand fall from the youngers face. He gently grabbed both of Sapnap's hands within his own, interlacing their fingers. He ignored the red dripping from thin lines once more. "I love you so much." 

"I-I love you too," Sapnap whispered, his voice hoarse and broken. George smiled. He saw Sapnap's eyes drop down, tears pouring in once more. He looked down too, following where the boys eyes went. He frowned. The thin lines had poured red liquid out. It smeared over Sapnap's forearms and some one Georges hands. It dripped to the floor, staining the tile. 

Glancing back at his lover, Georges expression softened. Tears threatened to fall again. He gently grabbed one of Sapnap's forearm, bringing it up to his lips. Sapnap let him do so but looked in confusion. 

George gave a kiss to one line. Then another. And another. He knew his lips were tainted with blood but he didn't give the slightest mind. He let his eyes hood. There were so many drawings on the boy's skin you couldn't count, but George still managed to give loving pecks to more than half of them. 

Glancing back, he saw Sapnap smile. Smiling, while he bit his lip and tears fell down. He was happy. It was a weird gesture but neither cared. They both knew it meant so much. More then words could describe. 

"C'mon, lets clean you up, Sap." George gave a smile, leaning in. He gave a small peck on the others lips. Sapnap sniffled and nodded. 

George didn't bother asking why Sapnap did it. He knew the boy would tell him in his own time. For now and forever, he would do his best to help his partner. George loved Sapnap, and nothing would change that. Even if the world was against him.


ahhh. . . Happy late Halloween? It's 12am for me now, so its no longer Halloween. But still, it's the thought that counts, right? 

This ones a little rushed, hope its not too noticeable-

Requests are open!!

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