Cold Nights (Techbur)

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TW- Swearing;

Requested by @BaileyWells7

Completely platonic!! This is a brotherly relationship.


As Wilbur sat on the floor of his bedroom, he strummed the strings of his guitar, mouthing the words of his song. He played quietly, as everyone (as far as he knew) was asleep in the household. It was well over 3am, so it was to be expected.

He hesitated as he forgot the next note, silently complaining to himself before he started again briefly. But in that small moment of leftover vibration turning into silence, he heard something. Fingers hovering over the strings, he pursed his lips, glancing up to look at his window. He could've sworn he heard something.

Paranoia fading as he saw nothing, he brushed it off, excusing it as the wind. Maybe even a squirrel.

Wilbur blinked the heaviness of his eyelids away in favor of trying to remember which note he was on, although eventually just starting over again. He nodded his head as he silently sung along with the cords, keeping up a rhythm.

Once the song dipped into silence, he, again, heard something. He stopped his guitars vibration with the palm of his hand before straining his ears.

The noises sounded like clothes shuffling, maybe someone flipping a page in a book. Eeriness crept into his mind as he put his guitar aside and stood up. He stepped quietly to his window, the darkness outside only made his worries worse, 'What if's appeared in his head like never ending bubbles.

He slid the lock open, thinking to himself: "If I die, than I die," And pushed it up, the crisp air making him shiver and clench his teeth on impact. He put his head though, eyes immediately falling on something pink. And in that split second, one half of his brain told him: "Run, get help, someone is there." While the other was, "It's seems fine, you're okay, safe."

Turns out the latter was correct. There sat Technoblade, awake and reading on the roof.

Wilbur wanted to facepalm.

Sighing, Wilbur dropped his head, both relief and annoyance cycling in his emotions. Techno looked up through the glass frames settled on the tip of his nose, "Hey," The pink-haired boy said simply, fiddling with the top corner of a page in a book: The Art of War, is what Wilbur guessed; Techno had always seemed to have an obsession with that book.

"Hello Technoblade," Wilbur responded, before retreating back to open the window a bit more.

Stepping out, Wilbur shivered and tried to hug his sweater closer to him. His bare feet made barely audible tapping sounds against the roof as he took steps towards his brother.

Techno took his attention away from his amazing book in favor of staring at the brunette, seeming to be in thought. His ruby eyes watched as Wilbur sat down next to him -- but still keeping a fair amount of distance away -- and tried to get comfortable on top of the rough material that made up the roof.

Not long after, Wilbur looked up to return his gaze, (giving up on being comfortable, he didn't know how Techno was sitting there unfazed.) The boy furrowed his brow, "Why're you staring at me?" Wil asked.

Techno tore his eyes away, looking towards the streetlights, unable to keep up eye contact unlike Wilbur. He responded, "Why'd you come out to the roof?" His voice didn't waver, keeping it's monotone, masking the boys emotions.

"I heard something from my window and choose to check it out." Wilbur shrugged and Techno simply hummed at his reply, fiddling with the old -- now closed -- book in his grasp.

Wilbur found the silence deafening, but he didn't comment and took in his brothers appearance. Pink hair draped around his shoulders, bangs in his eyes as the wind gently blew it. He was wearing his glasses, which was a rare sight to behold, Techno never wore them in public since 'they make him look less intimidating'.

Instead of the normal royal attire he liked, he was wearing a simple loose black tee and some sweatpants. Very casual, but that was to be expected.

Seeing Techno shift under his intense gaze, he chose to look away. The wind gently ruffled his messy brown hair (that was for once being free of his beanie.) and his sweater began losing against the cold.

"Nice song,"

Wilbur was startled by the sudden speaking, becoming used to the silence. "Thanks," He answered, wringing his hands. "Didn't know you heard it."

Techno nodded silently, his hands settling down from fiddling and instead staying put over the book.

The brunette followed with staying silent as well, closing his eyes and letting the comfortable atmosphere consume him.

Although one thing was uncomfortable. . .

"It's fucking cold,"

Wilbur announced, opening his eyes and moving to stand up. Honestly, he never knew how his family could stand the low temperatures. "C'mon Techno, let's go inside. We need to get to bed anyway,"

The pink haired boy rolled his eyes as his mouth twitched, standing up as well. He was about to make his way over to his own window before Wilbur grabbed his arm. Techno looked over, seeing Wil's raised brow, a single question on his tongue but kept quiet.

Techno merely sighed but went with his brother over to the other window that was left propped open. Wilbur smiled at his achievement and slipped inside the house, enjoying the heat that came with it.

The brunette flopped onto his bed, rolling to the side to make room for Techno to join him. The other did so tiredly, after closing the window and placing his glasses to the side, but he melted into the soft mattress as soon as his skin touched the sheets. Wilbur grinned, pulling the blankets over them and wrapping his arms around his older brother.

Instances like these were rare, but not unwelcome. Times like these when Wilbur and his brother (either one) would fall asleep, warm and safe in each others embrace, away from the cold winds outside.


A/N- I won't be posting for the next week or so because I am currently driving upstate to visit family for Christmas. I would say I'll be writing do I have things to publish once I'm back home, but that would be a lie. I don't have my laptop with me and it's a pain to write on phone so I won't be working on anything this week.

Thank you for supporting this book, I wish everyone happy holidays (if you celebrate them) and I shall see you in a few days! :)

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