Night Skies (DreamNotSap)

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TW- Dissociation; Derealization;  

Requested by 

This ones pretty short, sorry I didn't have many ideas. Hope you enjoy though!

I don't know much about dissociation or derealization disorder so I'm sorry if I got it wrong! 


Soft grass tickled his skin, the chilling cold air kissed his soft skin. He heard crickets in the distance, humming their tune. He tiredly opened his eyes, looking up at the night sky. 

Lights scattered across the darkness, with one giant one at the top, looking down back at him. He breathed in the cold air, feeling it burn his lungs. He breathed out. Watching as his warm breath battled the cold, fog twirling before drifting back with the wind. 

He tried so hard to grasp onto reality, noting everything around him. But ultimately failed, coming back to a single question.

Was this even real? 

He raised his hand above his face. Curling his fingers again and again, trying to tell himself this was reality. Yet it didn't have depth. 

The question still lingered.

He let the hand fall down to his side. Staring back at the moon, he whispered a question. But his words were carried by the wind, barely being heard by himself. He felt his feeling of sadness drift off, becoming nothing. 

A creak of a door came from behind him. He knew what it was. He shut his eyes, letting darkness surround him. He clenched his fists, so hard he felt his nails leave marks. He released them, trying to tell himself that the two pair of footsteps were here. With him. 

He opened his eyes in time to see Sapnap flop down next to him with a content smile on their face. And George taking a seat instead of laying down like the other two boys. They stayed like that for a bit, enjoying the silence between them. Just hearing the sounds of nature as they admired the sky.

Before the silence was broken by George, "Is it happening again, Dream?" He, Dream, knew what his partner was talking about. Sapnap rolled on his side, cuddling up to dream's side, already knowing the answer. 

Dream sighed, locking with George's brown eyes before going back to the stars. "Yeah," He gave a simple respond. George simply leaned over, giving the blonde a kiss on his forehead. Dream leaned towards the touch, repeating in his mind it was reality; it was happening in this moment. 

"Hey!" They broke the contact, both looking over at Sapnap who had a frown on his face, "I want a kiss!" He whined. George rolled his eyes playfully while Dream wheezed. "Fine," George leaned over to give the raven-haired boy a soft kiss on the cheek. Before starting a meaningless argument about ruining a moment.

Dream smiled at the actions between his lovers. Even if the questions lingered in his mind, he knew he'd be okay. It was going to take time. . . And many nights under the night sky. 


If you saw any mistakes. . . You totally didn't. 

It's 3am, I'm allowed to make mistakes, alright?

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