Crying (karlnap)

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Somewhat NSFW? Idk I didn't finish this one.


This is just for fun, not really serious. I'm not trying to make them uncomfortable 

EDIT 11/11/20: Hi, uh, please don't read this chapter. I made it before I even knew I was going to publish this, and its super embarrassing. . . Yeah, thanks, cheers.  

Sapnap pushed Karl onto the bed, their lips still connected in a passionate kiss. Karl moaned into his mouth as the younger slid their hands under his shirt. Karl felt desperate, he wanted Sapnap now.

The younger had been teasing him all day, whispering in his ear, rubbing his thighs, even sliding their hands places, that won't be named. Karl awaited this moment since it all started.

Karl whined when Sapnap pulled away. But Sapnap quickly turned it into a soft moan when he rolled his hips against the others. Karl pulled at his tops shirt, giving a quiet, "Take it off." Sapnap smirked and slowly took off his shirt, before continuing with the bottom.

They pulled his clothes of at their own pace, which was too slow for Karl. He "helped" Sapnap take his pants off by pulling them off himself, leaving him in only his briefs. The top chucked, "You're so needy," He replied, biting Karl's ear. Karl whined, he was always needy because the other loved to tease. Not to say he hated the teasing, he just wished it went a little faster.

Sapnap pushed his knee on Karl's hardened member, getting a something in between a moan and a consent sigh.

"Stop teasing me." He whined. Sapnap pulled his own pants and boxers in one swoop. Karl squirmed impatiently, wanting any kind of friction.

Sapnap climbed back on top of him, slowly taking off karl's boxers. The older blushed, being exposed.

The top leaned into his ear, whispering, "are you ready?" He asked. Karl whined, "Yes!" He practically screamed. Sapnap muttered an okay, lubing up his fingers.

He slowly pushed one in, Karl gasped in pain, squeezing his eyes shut. Sapnap gave a gentle 'shh' in his ear, waiting for him to adjust. He continued when his lover gave a nod. 

Tears glossed over Karl's eyes as he moaned in pleasure.


bewhbckiofefbc I suck at writing lemon. So, take that, imagine the rest.

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