Distracting (Dreamnoblade)

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TW- Unrequited love;

Requested by @uselessxxpoems


Technoblade swung his sword at the scarred up tree. The enchanted netherite shining bright in the darkness of the night. He gave one last big swing before his body slumped in exhaustion. He panted, letting his pink hair fall over his shoulders. "Dammit," He muttered, the cold air hurting his lungs each breath.

He had long since discarded his royal-looking robes, as they were getting heavy, and now he could feel the coldness of the wind around him. It was nice, it made him feel numb. No matter how much his body wanted to take a break, he couldn't. This was the only way to get them off his mind.


Techno took another swing, his arms ached from the movement and his legs hurt from standing in the same stance for so long. It hurt, but he couldn't stop. He can't stop. When he did his mind was filled with the one he liked, maybe even loved. . . But they were with another person.


He cut the air, nearly missing the tree. Pictures and memories of those two together, gathered in Techno's mind. He swung at each one, as if he was trying to get them to go away. But they didn't. . .


The sword got stuck in the wood before Techno pulled it out with a huff. He always stood on the sidelines, never really out there. Sometimes Techno would curse at himself for that. Maybe if he talked to people more, and stood out as a nice person, he would've had a chance. But instead Technoblade was known as a god. A deity hungry for blood. They called him the blood god, one of the best at PvP.


The blade cut the wood like butter. Techno always knew he could never compare to a person who was kind and funny; someone who was likeable.

The tree finally fell to the ground.

His heart ached, and he couldn't ignore that fact. But, he could push it off by distracting himself.

Because he knew that he fell in love Dream.

But Dream loved George.


Hope you liked it, I know it was pretty short.

Requests are open!!

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