Fallen (Feret)

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TW- none

Requested by MyGrEenLifU

Sorry if wasn't what you had in mind! You just said feret angst so I just made something up.


Fundy always wondered why.

Why his chest tightened while looking at him. Why his heart beat speed up when they made eye contact. Why his cheeks heated up when they talked. Why he thought of doing unspeakable acts with him, things friends wouldn't do.

And it was finally answered when he pushed that button. That feeling of betrayal made Fundy feel something he'd never felt before.

Fundy didn't know him all to well--always admiring from afar--but he assumed they considered each other comrades; friends. But did L'manburg really mean nothing to him? They had fought together. And now it was all distant memories.

"It was never meant to be." Echoed in Fundys head, they were the last words he heard before he respawned. He spent late nights thinking of them, it made his stomach twist.

Everyone spoke of him with such anger, but for the fox-boy, he just felt sad and alone. He dreamt of the traitorous act, night after night, he would always wake to tears in his eyes.

His father refused to speak of him, a look of disappointment on his face. Tommy was furious, yelling how he would kill him the next he saw him. And Tubbo would frown when his name came up.

But Fundy would fall apart and feel his heart ache. He would space out, only to absentmindedly drift his mind to memories before the betrayal. He yearned to see him.

He knew it was impossible, what would he say, what would he do? Fundy would probably just freeze up, crumple under the others sharp gaze.

"Goodness, what should I do..."

Fundy had fallen in love.

And he couldn't fall out.


Sorry if this sucks, i really didn't know what to do.

Anyways, I have a few ideas. Would anyone be interested in a skephalo "stalker" au? An 80/90s(ish) love story with karlnap? Or a unrequited dreamnap/dreamnotfound?

Requests open!

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