Warm (Karl x Sapnap x Quackity)

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TW- Intrusive thoughts; slight manipulation;

(Uh, hi, Mel here with a little notice. I was tired and stupid earlier today so I didn't check the meaning of the word 'Intrusive'. I just wrote it down because it was the first word that came to mind. I now realize (with comments that were very confusing to read at first) that I fucked up. 

I meant it in a way of 'depressing thoughts' not sexual, violent, nor obsessive. So, uh, I've noticed my mistake and want to clear that up.)

Requested by anime_girl18796

I had so much trial and error for this chapter, and I'm still not entirely happy with it. But, whatever. (Also couldn't come up with a good title.)

Hope you enjoy.


Everything was so cold now. His house, the air, his breath. He sat in one of corners of his house, shaking. He felt so alone. The streets were empty, no long full of people. His house was dim and damp, it was so quiet.

The walls gave him a headache, they never changed. They had eyes watching his every move, so that they can report to him.

A sword glazed in enchantments stood leaning against a chest, he kept his eyes away from it. Not baring to fill his mind with thoughts.

He ran a hand through his brown hair, sighing as tears threatened to fall. His lavender eyes were dull, his normal attitude no longer wishing to bare its face.

The room was dark but moonlit, the time being unknown. Repeating thoughts wrapping around his head, one being there the most: Am I wanted here?

Schlatts eyes bore into his skull, burned into his memory. The dark and soulless orbs had a layer of pity, but underneath was a humorous expression, like he wanted to laugh in his face. The stupid goat was trying to get under his skin, Karl knew that. But his words still seemed so true.

The boy rubbed at his eyes, forbidding the water to slip down his face. Clearing his throat, he stood up and smoothed down his coloured hoodie.

He decided to take a walk, to try to clear his head. Putting his hands in his hoodie pocket, he slipped out the door.

His shoes hit against the wooden pathways, echoing around him. It calmed him, his footsteps making a pattern with each step.

He heard the faint sound of swords clashing and he went the opposite way of them, not wishing for the war to plague his thought any more. He knew those sounds were probably Sapnap and Punz, Sapnap -- who is Karl's fiancé -- said they were going some training.

Karl hasn't seen him since, and it had been over 12 hours. Every since the date of the war was announced, Karl hasn't seen Sapnap, nor Quackity -- who was also his fiance -- very much.

He felt Sapnap didn't love him anymore, and Quackity just had better things to do. Karl was the loser in the situation, in the end it never mattered who wins the war.

Schlatt was a man who had power, and Wilbur was a man of courage and determination. (Or so he thought.)

Karl sighed, his hot breath becoming visible in the cold night. Looking up at the moon, his mind drew blank.

Faint footsteps appeared behind him and he stopped in his tracks. He didn't look behind him yet, but heard the noises speed up and become heavier.

Karl pulled his hands out and let them hang beside him, and turned in time to see a boy jump at him.

"Karl!" A familiar voice yelled as the velocity made them stumble back. Karl luckily caught them both though.

Karl couldn't help have a smile tug at his lips as he saw the dark blue beanie on top of the persons head.

Quackity pulled away put kept his hands on him, "Hey," They boy had a smile on his face, his voice soft.

But still, no matter how happy Karl was to have his fiancé with him, why was Quackity here? "Aren't you suppose to be in Pogtopia?"

Quackity frowned, "Do you not like me here?"

"What? No, no, I'm just confused."

Quackity laughed, "I'm just messing with you," He moved to Karl's side, linking their hands. "I know you can't resist me."

They shared a light laugh as they started to walk back to Karl's house. Quackity gave his hand a squeeze and sighed, "Wilbur's really gone insane." He said, his voice quiet and distant.

It was rare to hear Quackity like this but it also wasn't not normal.

"Had to get away from his weird ramblings."

Karl hummed, pointing his look towards the ground.

Quackity continued, "So, how have you and Sap been? Hope you haven't had to much fun without me." He let out a small chuckle. 

Karl felt a slight pang in his heart, "Actually," Karl started quietly, "Sapnap has been busy, we haven't talked much."

He felt Quackity's hand tighten around his. 

"What?" The shorter boy asked.

Karl looked up at the night sky, "He's been busy with the war, y'know, all the fighting and stuff." He shrugged, trying to mask his emotions. 

In actuality, Sapnap not being around has really hurt, and that made Schlatt notice he was vulnerable. But he tried not to blame his fiancé. 

They kept quiet while the walked the rest of the way, and Karl silently hoping he didn't throw Sapnap under the bus.

Upon arriving, Quackity ushered the other up to the second floor. He pushed Karl onto the bed and climbed in after. Karl gave him a look of confusion but the black haired boy ignored it, cuddling close to the older. 

Karl, giving into the situation, wrapped his arms around the his partners waist. Quackity tugged off his beanie and threw it somewhere to be found later. 

It was warm now. It felt like the heat from a fireplace. Karl melted against it, all his walls crumbling into dust and debris. 

"I've missed you," Karl says, burying his face into a mess of black hair. 

Quackity hummed, replying with, "Missed you too," He nuzzled himself into Karl's shoulder more.

Karl let his mind get wrapped around in a feeling of safety. Those over-running thoughts were gone, forgotten in the back of his mind. The walls stopped watching, choosing to turn in for the night. He focused on the boy in his arms, the positives, instead of the negatives. 

Slowly, they fell asleep, comfortable in each others warmth. 

Karl faintly remembers in a daze, Sapnap returning home. In his sleepy state, he felt a kiss pressed on his head and heard a whispered, ''M sorry,'. Than a dip in the mattress. 

Everything would be fine. It all seemed a little brighter now. 


Ugh, I made them all so OOC, I hate it. But I don't know how to make it any better. 

Just wanna take a moment to say thank you all for the support on this book!! I never thought I'd get here :D

Also, I've made a AO3 account (MelonDriven) so If you want to read some other stories that I've made but won't/can't post here, go find my page on there. I've already posted two stories :)

Have a great rest of your day/night!!

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