Exhilarating (skephalo)

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TW- Crying, depressing thoughts

You can read this as platonic or not, I don't care. Just hope you enjoy :)

Also for you people who don't know what exhilarating means, its means "making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling."


Zak laid in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through Twitter, not paying attention to anything. To busy in his own mind. Was he too annoying? Did they hate him? We're they tired of him?

He was so annoying, always pranking, yelling--and God, Bad--Darryl--was always mad at him. Zak just didn't understand, why pretend to like him? I'd be so much easier to block or ghost him.

He sighed, clicking his phone to a black screen. He set it face-down away from himself as he rolled to his back, staring at the ceiling. Maybe he should just quit YouTube?

Zak had his eyes staring holes in the ceiling, he had nothing but negative thoughts in his head. He felt the burn at the back of throat, he wanted to cry so badly, but it was stupid to cry. Cry over something like this. It was the truth and he'd have to accept it.

His room was dark, it was late and he never had any lights on. But maybe it was still to bright? Maybe that's why he had tears in his eyes threatening to spill. It hurt. It always did. A repeating cycle of this torture, people yelling at him, and him reflecting it. He didn't know what to do anymore.

Maybe he should just de-friend everyone himself? They seemed to have trouble doing so themselves. It would make it easier for all of them, Zak having no one to bother and everyone not having to deal with him.

Zak felt a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. He gave a small gasp as he sat up, quickly wiping the stray tear away. He was about to stand up, ready to start distracting himself, when his phone chimed. A message?

He grabbed his phone from it placement, turning it right-side up. Bad? Why did he message? Zak put in his code, going straight to Messages as soon as it was unlocked.

"Hey Skeppy"

It was just a hello but Zak felt his chest tighten. He quickly replied.

"Hi bad"

Zak watched as those little three dots appeared. Darryl was texting back. His heart waited in anticipation, was bad going to telling him their friendship was over? Was he going to tell him to leave him alone? Insult him? Tell-

"Wanna play a server or something? Not recording just hanging out"

Zak was euphoric, bad wanted to hang out? No shows or bits? Just... talk to one another? His heart pounded, momentarily forget his depressing thoughts.


Zak's hands fumbled the phone, maybe it was the cold? He pulled his light blue hoodie closer to his body, moving to his desk. As he turned his pc on his mind wondered, why was bad doing this? Maybe it was a trick, a prank? To get back at Zak for all his own pranks.

No. Bad wouldn't do that, he thought. But a voice creeped in his mind, he would.

Zak hesitated, would he?

He ignored it, putting that thought in the back of his mind. He was desperate to talk to Bad, Mega, spifey, anyone. But he didn't have the courage to ask if they wanted him around, so he was just there, waiting in the background. And here he was getting anxious about talking to them.

He'd always been anxious, just never said it.

He watched as Darryl called. He let the sound ring in his ears, his mouse hovering over the connect button. He took a deep breathe, finally clicking.

Darryl's innocent voice came through, "Hi 'Geppy!" He sounded so excited. Why? He can't be because of Zak. That's impossible.

"Hey," Zak's voice wavered, it came out small, and quiet. It'd been awhile since he last spoke.

Zak cleared his throat realizing his mistake. "Hey," he said once more, this time sounding normal.

A beat of silence came from Darryl, had he done something? Was he mad? Did-

"Are you okay?" More silence.

Zak hadn't expected that reply. He tensed, swallowing his fear. "Yeah, why would I be?" He tried to make a cheerful tone come out.

And it must have worked, "Well okay,"

They continued to play as normal, Zak messing around and Darryl yelling "language", it was nice; distracting.

But, when there was silence, all the thoughts came back. Zak tried so hard, to push them away, but they wouldn't go. So, he decided to try and put an end to them all.

When they finished what they were playing and just started talking, Zak asked.

"Hey Bad,"


"Am I annoying?"

That was what came out. There were so many other questions but he had to ask just one.

Darryl responded after a few seconds of silence. "Of course not, silly."

Zak was astounded by those words, he wasn't?

Before Zak could respond Darryl continued, "Even if you do a lot of pranks, I wouldn't call you annoying."

Zak spoke up, "Then, what would you call me?" He couldn't help but be scared for the answer. What if he was worse then annoying?

"You're exhilarating," Darryl spoke his words soft, like he knew he could break the boy on the other side of the screen if he chose the wrong ones.

Zak could feel the burn in his throat again, his vision clouding. He wanted to fall apart, he'd never felt so happy before. He felt his cheeks become red, stray tears falling from his eyes.

"R-really?" His voice shook, it was easy to tell he was crying.

"Really, Skeppy."

Those words made a soft sob come out of Zak, his shoulders shook. He heard bad quietly shush him, "Zak it's okay, don't cry."

Zak mustered all he could to try and stop his tears, and after some time, he did (Darryl's comforting words helping a lot).

"Thank you Darryl." Zak sniffed, a smile on his face caused his best friend.

"Of course Zak, I love you, you muffin."


This ones a little wavy, if you catch my drift. Its a little all over the place, but still kinda holds its shape.

Uh anyway, the next story few stories i write may be inspired songs in my playlist just cuz :p

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