Underwater (Dreamnoblade)

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I may start using their mc character names more, idk maybe not, maybe just what I think seems better I guess.


Dream didn't know how they got here, one minute him and techno were just talking in the pool outside and the next they're kissing. Technos hands in his hair, sweet noises being muffled between their mouths. Dream feeling every inch of the pink haired man. They barely even cared they were in the water still.

Techno pushed onto Dream, deepening the kiss, this movement also made them stumble deeper into the water. Dream slowly pulled away, not wanting this to end but he knew he had to breath. His eyes opening as he panted against the others mouth. Technos cheeks were as pink as his hair--if not more. He watched as the others red eyes opened, looking back at him.

They stared, watching each other pant, with lust in their eyes. They shivered slightly from the cold water swishing around them. Dream loosened his grip around Technos waist, "So..." He started, becoming awkward. Suddenly making out with one of your friends isn't something people normally do. "Does this mean...?"

He was about to slip his hands off Techno before said boy pushed himself onto Dream, connecting their lips. Dream gasped before they splashed into the water.

The water was cold making Dream instantly melted into Technos warmth, kissing back. He tightened his grip. Every sound was muffled so he could focus on Techno.

Their lips moved in sync, water filling their mouths but it didn't matter. They could only focus on one another.

They pulled out from under the water, each taking a breathe and spitting out extra water.

Holding each other tightly, Techno burying his head into Dreams shoulder and Dream resting his cheek on Technos wet hair. After a minute of silence Techno turned his head to look at the taller. "I hope it does mean that." He stated meekly, his cheeks redder then before and lips bruising. Dream chuckled, moving one hand from technos bare waist to brush technos hair away, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Me too,"

"Simp," Techno quietly whispered as Dream leaned in to kiss again, but paused as he gave a little laugh. He felt the pink haired man shiver from the hot breath Dream gave against his lips. They connected their lips,  Dream dominating it quickly. Techno tasted like sugar coated strawberries (with a little bit of chlorine) Dream couldn't get enough, along with the soft whimpers and moans that came, it was addictive.

God, Dream couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with this boy.


This one is pretty short, sorry about that, I made this one in my notes first and transferred it. I never thought I'd publish it. Sorry if there's any mistakes too, I haven't proof read it!

And I probably won't post tomorrow, I have a huge research project due in two days and I haven't even started. So I won't be able to write. Sorry!

Requests are open!

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