Together (Wilbur x Dream)

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TW- Insanity; obsession; 


Fuck. This was driving Wilbur even more insane. 

Why? Why, why, why, why, WHY? 

Wilbur paced around the ravine that was known as Pogtopia, gripping his hair a tight grasp. He muttered uncoherent words under his breath as he bore eyes at the floor he walked upon. He could feel his right hand mans' eyes on him but he couldn't bring himself to really care. 

His brown cloak felt itchy, uncomfortable on his skin. His mind was playing tricks on him, he couldn't comprehend anything.

He adored his laugh. 

Wilbur always found himself smiling along whenever he laughed. Almost like a silly school girl, when her crush made a joke and she couldn't help but blush and laugh. Even though it was a bad joke.

He admired his skill.

Wilbur got mesmerized by his skill. He would get distracted, to focused on watching him swing an axe or sword. 

He yearned for his touch. 

When ever he touched Wilbur, whether it be a simple brush of the hands or a hand shake, it was ethereal. 

Wilbur wanted Dream.

Wilbur wanted to snatch Dream's mask off his face and kiss him. Stare into his eyes. Just. . . Ugh, it was so bothersome.

Dream was his enemy, of sorts. No one knew what side he was on, but he surely wouldn't be on Wilbur's. He was losing his goddamn sanity!

Wilbur paused suddenly. A smile creeped onto his face. He had a plan. It could work. It could be perfect.

If he really went through with blowing up Manburg. . . He could kill everyone. (Excluding Dream.)

And then it would just be him and Dream



He laughed. They could be together. 

Dream would only be able to focus on me. 

He could love me.

Dream would love me.

Dream would learn to love me.

And only me. 


Goodness, this is a mess. 

Uh, I don't know what I did here, but its something. So take it.

Give me requests!!

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