The End

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I'm finally finishing this book.

I've worked on it for about three months and I must say, it was a nice three months.

I'm so thankful for the support I got and for all the suggestions I received. Although it got harder to keep up with it as time went on, I've had a lot of fun. But, I've decided to end it here at an even 40.

I will continue writing, and I'm actually in the works of making a book!! You can follow me to see when that comes out!

I'll also be posting things on to AO3 (Archive of Our Own), it's a better platform for oneshots like these and I find it a lot easier. I'm also in the works of making one to post on there as I'm writing this. My username is MelonDriven and you can find some works under my name over there! (Yes I know I'm self-promoting a lot, lol.)

Thank you all so much for following on my journey with this book, I really appreciate it. It's helped me a lot in my dream of becoming a writer. You can see how much I've improved over each chapter and, even if I still have a long way to go, I'm so proud of myself for that alone.

That being said, I hope to see you all soon :)

Goodbye for now!

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