'Chapstick' (Dreamnotfound)

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Tw- mentioned intercourse.

Kissing George was a dream come true for Clay. After crushing on him over the screen, they met and George returned the same feelings. And god, did it feel good.

It was heaven, being able to call George his, kissing him, making him blush and stutter. But living thousands of miles away was a pain. They visited each other so often but every time it was heartbreaking to leave.

Spending nights alone didn't feel like the used to, Clay missed the warmth. Not being able to kiss George in the mornings, only able to say hello over the phone. They both knew they both wanted to live together, but it was just such a big move, they weren't really ready for.

And so, Clay took his time with George very literal.

Clay leaned in to kiss his boyfriend for the hundredth time that day, George of course kissed back, a smile on his lips. He loved the attention, but still questioned why he was getting so much.

George backed away, "Clay-" He was cut off with another kiss. After a bit, Clay pulled back, "Hmm?" His hazel-green eyes stared into George's. "Why are you kissing me so much?" George said, unable to hold back a small laugh.

Clay smiled too, he just adored that laugh.

He chuckled a bit himself, "Am I not allowed to kiss you?" George smiled, "No, of course you are, but I know that's not the reason."

Clay gave a laugh, "Because," He pecked his lovers lips, "I like your chapstick." There was a silence, before they laughed. Clay giving a wheeze; George bringing a hand up to his mouth, to somewhat cover his own laugh. (Insecure George <3)

Calming down from their laugh, they looked towards each other. They smile. Clay kissed him again, smiling into the kiss. It wasn't a lie per say, he did like George's strawberry chapstick. But the real reason was he wanted all of George before he had to leave. He wants to memorize every curve and bump.

And that's exactly what he did. Even after having the boy moan and slur under him, he couldn't get enough.

God, this boy will be the death of him.


Can't lie here, I got this story's idea from the song Strawberry Lipstick by YUNGBLUD :p

This story is kinda all over the place, I didnt have a clear image of what I wanted cuz I was writing during school (again) and I kept having to do work so I forgot what I really wanted.

But I still like how it turned out (kinda)

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