Night Time Comforts (SBI)

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TW- Mental Illnesses; Mentions of gore; 

Requested by tododekufan123455

Keep in mind that I have not been inside a mental institution so I have no idea how they work, nor do I have Walking Corpse Syndrome (what I gave Wilbur here). If I got anything wrong, do tell me and I'll do better in the future! 

ALSO, this is not a ship post!!! This is entirely platonic and in a brotherly love sort of way!!


Wilbur walked the halls of the institution, it was way past curfew, but the man had a way of sneaking away without being noticed. Clean walls surrounded him, doors pared from wall to wall, all lights off. He titled his head side to side, a tune in his head, as he walked on without care, his eyes focused on the ground. A hand put pressure on his stomach, seeming to cradle an invisible thing.

In his mind, there was stab wound there. Blood oozing out as he tried to stop an intestine or two from slipping out. The yellow sweater he wore was lifted up slightly -- him not wanting to ruin the soft fabric -- and his tummy was visible, although no blood to the normal eye.

A smile graced his lips as his favorite part of the song was starting to play in his head, but before he was able to start singing along, a noise startled him. Soft whimpers and sniffles. Wilbur lifted his head to look around, song and wound forgotten as he dropped his hand, his sweater falling back into place. He could worry about his organs later.

The brown-haired man stood still in the middle of the hallway, a blank expression on his face as he strained his ears to hear were the sound came from. Muffled sounds of snoring, also was heard (as it was night time) but the small sobs were heard clearly. He frowned, already having an idea of who it was. Each step forward just proved his thoughts more and more right as the cries got louder.

He stopped at a door, room 104, Tommy's room. Wilbur knocked, three short slow knocks, to keep quiet for both not getting caught and to not startle the teenager inside. The noise stopped from inside, and Wilbur couldn't help but frown in concern as he quietly called out, "Tommy?"

Wilbur placed a hand on the handle, hesitating, before opening it (easily, as there's no locks on any doors).

Inside was a normal room, adjustments from Tommy's room back at his house scattered on the walls and desk. The boy himself curled in up in the soft, light blue blanket provided by the institution, clutching it over his head and closely pulled around his body.

"Go away, Wilbur." Came the hoarse and strained voice of the teenager behind the comforting fabric. Wilbur just walked further into the room, closing the door behind him, losing the small light from the hallway. It was quite eerie on how each footstep echoed throughout the room, it made Tommy shiver, as the man drew closer.

Tommy sniffled, moving the blanket slightly to peak out and see Wil drawing closer to him. "Hi, Toms." Wilbur gave a soft, comforting smile as he saw the boy's tired, tear-streaked eyes. Tommy blinked at the nickname, but didn't complain nonetheless.

Wil stopped at the side of the bed, looking down on the boy (seriously, how creepy could Wilbur be?). "Can I sit?" He asked, titling his head to the side slightly. Silence settled over them as Tommy shifted to the side a bit, non-verbally saying yes. Wilbur did so, leaning back on the pillows and looking at the ceiling. His fingers ghosted over the front of his stomach, the earlier 'wound' now gone and replaced with unharmed skin.

The two boys kept close -- Wilbur being able to feel Tommy's body heat against his cold skin -- but still a respectfully distance put between them. And eventually, Tommy's sniffles died down.

After a while (who knows how long,) Wilbur spoke up, "You want to talk about it?" He looked over at Tommy who was sleepy, his eyelids becoming heavy.

"It's nothing, I'm just anxious over nothin'." The boy replied, straining his tired voice.

Wilbur shifted to his side a bit more and ran his fingers threw tangled blonde hair, trying to give some comfort. Tommy leaned into his fingers, enjoying the feeling of fingertips brushing against his scalp. "It's okay," Wilbur spoke in the soft, scratchy tone of his voice. "You're okay,"

He didn't know what he was comforting from, but Tommy seemed content, and that's all that mattered.

The blondes grip on the blanket loosed as his eyes fell shut, his breathing evening out. Wilbur smiled, saying for a few more minutes before getting up quietly. He slipped out the door, returning to the empty halls.

No longer feeling the need to be up anymore, he returned to his room. (And if he was greeted by a scolding from Dr. Phil... Well, that's for them to know.)


I love this AU, I have so many ideas for it, although I mustn't. Maybe on AO3??? (Self advertisement???? Username: MelonDriven???) (Ima shut up now,) (I've drunken to much chocolate milk,)

Requests are open!

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