Sweater (feret)

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Having to sneak off at midnight was a pain, but Fundy would do it every night if it meant his could see his [secret] lover. Unfortunately, his father, Wilbur; president of L'manburg, was always watching. Fundy and Eret--his lover-- would meet halfway and go where ever they walked. Sometimes to Eret's castle, other nights just wandering the forest.

So, as Fundy walked the path at night, he shivered against the cold winds. He crossed his arms too try and pull his sweater closer to him, he continued, watching his feet kick against the leaves as he walked. His mind drifted to random topics, not paying attention to the path since he knew it by heart. He silently wished he had brought mittens, it was really cold.

His ears perked up when he heard the crunch of leaves. He lifted his head to see Eret, smiling as he walked towards the fox-boy. Fundy smiled, as ran towards Eret, almost knocking him down as he engulfed him in a hug. Eret chuckled his ear, the low sound, making the smaller boys ears twitch. The stood, just enjoying each others warmth. Fundy pulled back just a bit to kiss the taller.

Eret's lips were chapped from the cold, yet still so warm. Fundy could never get enough.

You could see their breath as the panted. They felt euphoric against each other. But they both knew they had to move before anyone could spot them.

Hand in hand they wondered the forest, coming across a cliff, they decide to stop. They sat under a tree Fundy leaning on Eret, as said male softly pet the smaller's ears. The wind blew, making Fundy shiver, ears pushing down. The taller male frowned, "You cold, baby?" Fundy blushed at the nickname before nodding.

Eret quickly changed their position, pulling Fundy in his lap, arms around his waist. He buried his face into in his shoulder. Fundy responded by leaning his back into Eret chest, snuggling into his warmth. Eret kissed his neck, softly, grabbing Fundy's hands in his own and putting them in Fundy's sweater pockets.

They stayed warm for the rest of the night.


If you couldn't tell I used Sweater Weather as an expiration for this one. It really didn't turn out as good as I wanted, I had the whole thing in my head too :( But I just can't seem to grasp the right words.

Its whatever though.

Karlnap is next btw :)))

(Give me requests)

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