Nightmares (Karlnap)

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TW- talk of nightmares

Requested by Klance2020

Hope you like it! 


Karl awoke with a start. Laying in a cold sweat, highly uncomfortable. He breathed unevenly as he got up from his bed, grabbing his phone from the bedside table and making his way towards the living room.

It was a habit Karl had, whenever he woke up from a nightmare he would go into another room to calm down. He didn't know why, maybe it was the change of scenery or the want to get away from the place the dreams occurred, he didn't know.

He sat idly on the couch, leaning on the armrest. He curled into himself, his phone in his lap--grabbing it was another habit, he barely ever use it at these times. Karl stared off into space, just making shapes out of the shadows in the room.

His mind played back, replaying the horrible dream his mind created.

He was on a road. The woods on either side of him. It was pitch black out, and he could barely see. The sky was his only light but it was mostly covered by the big trees.

The wind swayed the leaves, making a chill go down his back. It was cold, even with the sweater he was wearing. The pavement went on forever, past the horizon. No matter how fast he ran. No cars, no lights, no animals. He was alone.

These types of nightmares would occur a lot but Karl didn't make a big deal out of it. He was fine, it just messed with his sleep schedule a little.

He looked up at the ceiling, mind racing of the dream. It was like a loop, replaying in his mind time after time.

Times like these he'd use his phone.

He silently brought his phone up, putting in the code he had memorized. He tapped the screen, going to discord. Maybe some of his friends were on?

When he saw who was online, a smile graced his lips.


Him and Nick have had a (mostly) online relationship for sometime. 

He sent Nick a message saying he was on and wanted to chat. He waited, then the FaceTime message appeared. Of course, just like him to call first, text later. He thought with a wider smile.

He clicked answer, Nicks bright face came onto his screen. "Hey babe,"

Karl said a hello, glancing at his own camera. The room was dark, making the phones light the only thing illuminating his face. His hair was slightly messy, eyes obviously tired. He was a mess.

Nick frowned, probably noticing how rough Karl looked. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah," Karl pointed the camera away from him, clearing his throat and rubbing at his eyes.

"Jacobs," Nick said in a worried voice, "Look at me."

Karl quickly ruffed his hair before pointing the phone back at himself. He gave a shy smile. "Yeah, Sap?"

Nick frowned once again, "Are you tired? Why are you up this late?"

"Why are you up this late?" Karl jokingly shot back, making the other chuckle, Nicks contagious smile making Karl laugh as well.

An awkward silence appeared for a few seconds before Nick sighed, shifting, "Karl, tell me what's up, are you tired? You can go to be-"


The word came out of Karl's mouth so abruptly, It shocked both of them. Karl bit his lip, looking down. Maybe the nightmares effected him more than he thought. The thought of going back to bed frightened him, having to revisit those fears, it made him tear up.

"Karl, what's wrong?" Nick voice softened, becoming worried for his significant other. Karl sniffled, "I-I just," He paused, "I've been having nightmares." He spoke quietly. 

Nick frowned, "oh, I'm sorry baby," His words soothing Karl slightly. "But you need to go to bed, you shouldn't be up this late." 

Karl wiped at his eyes, getting rid of extra tears. "I know, I'm- I'm just scared to, I guess. I've never really thought about it before." 

Nick smiled lightly, "I'll stay on call with you all night, I'll make sure your okay!" It was a sappy sentence but Karl appreciated it. 

"I'd like that." 


Funny, how I'm writing about how you should go to bed early and get a good rest, but I always stay up past two or three. :p

Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Sorry I didn't publish over the weekend, I was busy and couldn't write. I'll try to make up for it! :) 

Requests are still open!

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