Philophobia (Dreamnoblade)

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TW- panic; maybe a slight god complex;

(I'm so sorry, but after like, 30 minutes of going through old notifications, I still cannot find the person who requested this.)

Soulmate au, but done by a teenager who barely has any knowledge of them because he doesn't read them very much, ahaha.


Soulmates were rare.

Not everyone had one, and even if they did, it was rarer to actually find them.

People referenced the soulmate phenomenon as 'a Spark'. Soulmates had said that when they met eye contact, something clicked, like electricity sparking up in your chest. Others who were destined to have a soulmate but never met them said that they had an emptiness in them that never went away, and their Spark never appeared.

Dream knew he was one of those rare few who had a soulmate. From that moment when he was 14, he felt an emptiness in him. Now, it wasn't that he was scared of having a soulmate, he just didn't want the burden of having a weakness. At least that's what he told himself. He wore a mask to hide his eyes away from public view and barely took it off.

The times he did was when he was with his best friends, George and Sapnap. He new he was safe to take it off with them around since George didn't have a soulmate and Sapnap had already found his soulmate, or rather, soulmates.

The blonde was fine without ever finding his Spark. He didn't want his anyway. (Yes he did, he hated this feeling of loneliness.)

Dream was a god, he didn't need anyone by his side forever. He was powerful, and didn't need, nor want, a liability.

Sapnap had once to say it was okay to be afraid of soulmates, but he pushed him away. He wasn't afraid, he just didn't want a soulmate.

The man trained with his axe more than needed, ignoring the weird feeling that crept into his mind slowly, eating him away... Dream focused on how the axe cut up the tough tree.

He watched as Sapnap hugged his own fiancé's with a wide smile, he didn't envy him at all. Not one bit. Dream didn't care how Sapnap looked so joyous and alive. He told himself that he was just happy for his friend. Not jealous. Gods don't have a need for such emotions, he was fine feeling this way. (No he wasn't, he hated it so much.)

Dream told himself that he envied George, that not having a soulmate must be nice. (He didn't know if that was the truth or not.)

When Dream entered the arena for his duel, he saw the famous Technoblade doing the same. The man was also a powerful being, a Blood God. Dream silently wondered who was more god-like. A Blood God known for being undefeatable and full of brute strength. Or a god that went unnamed, full of tactical strategies and agility, unbeatable in his records.

Publicly, the two were enemies, but that was never established by the two themselves. But, then again, they weren't relatively close either.

Technoblade always intrigued Dream, the way he stayed cold and ruthless throughout battle. He even made pink hair look intimidating. But the blonde guessed that he had that effect on everyone, since he was the center of Dreams focus when he was nearby.

The blonde smiled under his mask as the count down started, this was going to be fun, whether he won or not.

And he did have fun. Although he was losing. It's okay though, his mind supplied, everyone has someone whose better than them.

(He tried to ignore the way his eyes lingered over Technoblade's thrill-filled movements. It made his heart skip a beat.)

But, in that last round when Dream sliced pink hair short and his mask was sliced. In that moment of brief eye contact, it clicked.

At first, when Dream sat breathless, frozen on the ground with cheers echoing in his head, he assumed the feeling to be adrenaline, post-losing per say. The feeling in his chest that was light but also heavy at the same time.

But when he realized his mask had fallen and he was now graced with the sight of Technoblade above him, panting with wide eyes and hitched breath. Ruby eyes clear, in focus with his own.

He panicked, of course. Tearing his eyes away and hiding his face in his scratched up hands. Dream felt his eyes burn and his throat tighten, there was no way this was happening.

His Spark. He got it. He didn't want it, a simple slip up of his mask caused him everything he's worked for. His own breath hitched and blood seeped from the new wound over his face, he didn't care.

Suddenly the bright light coming from around him dulled, and he timidly peeked through his fingers. Red surrounded his vision and he realized that it was the Blood God's cape, the weight now noticeable against his shoulders.  He'd thrown his cape over him.

Everything raced through his mind, it all clicked, like a reality check. He enjoyed this feeling in his chest, his mind no longer having a creepiness lurking around in the shadows. His hands trembled, but he managed to at least stay, relatively calm, to the public eye.

Though his mind circled with: My Spark, The Blood God, and, something he didn't like, afraid. Helpless. Mortal.

Dream was terrified. For the first time in his life, he felt pure anxiety.


Ayyyyyyy, super late because I'm a procrastinator and I keep just laying on my floor, listening to music, thinking about my future. :)

Requests are open, although I'm sorry if I don't do each one, I'm just going to do the ones I have the energy to do.

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