. . .What? (Karlnap)

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TW- Angst; break up; crying;

Requested by FlameFlowerXD

Sorry it's not really them arguing, like you asked. I suck at writing conversations because I don't have conversations, and I don't really know how they go. . . But! I do hope you like this :>


"Karl this is isn't going to work out."

". . . What?"

They was silence between the two boys. Karl stared blankly at the icon of his. . . Well, he didn't know anymore. 

"We're over. I'm sorry Karl, but I just can't do this." Sapnap spoke slowly, like he didn't know what words to say, almost. "W-we just don't mix, y'know? And, I hope we can move past this and, still be friends. . ." Sapnap muttered a goodbye, probably thinking it was best to leave Karl to process this. He exited the call. 

Karl was alone in a discord meeting, he left in the face of distraught, words echoing in his head. "Right. . ." He whispered in reply, fulling knowing no one could hear it.  "We can go back to being friends." He felt his eyes burn, "Totally, yeah." A tear slipped down his cheek. 

Karl gave a shaky smile to no one in particular, he nodded his head in agreement to himself. "Yeah," He stayed still for a second, starting to grip his chair in a tight grasp to steady himself. His smile started to break, the sadness showing through more. Tears spilled, he could taste the saltiness of them as he bit his lip, still trying to keep up his façade. Even if it was pointless, it made him feel a little better.

Silence settled around him. He could hear his heart beat speed up, his ears ring, the soft humming of his PC. It was so quiet, and Sapnap wasn't there to fill that silence.

A sob racked Karl's body, a broken look on his face. "W-what the honk, Sap?" He asked, in a barely audible volume. An angry expression flashed on his face, he slammed his fists to his desk with a grunt. Items shook, and some fell off but he didn't pay mind. 

Was I not good enough for you?

Though, the anger soon faded away, sadness and despair hitting like a train. He couldn't be angry at Sapnap, if anything, he was mad at himself. Sapnap didn't love him. Karl wasn't good enough. He let his head fall, his forehead slamming onto the desk. His fists shook back open, slowly not having the energy to keep them clenched.  

Tears pooled on the black surface of his desk as he sobbed his heart out. His hands slowly crept to his hair, pulling at it in a tight grip. He screamed, it hurt so much. He'd never loved someone like he loved Sapnap. Karl's never felt like this before. He's had lovers prior to meeting Sapnap and they all ended, but they had never felt like this. 

His heart clenched and ached, he felt he couldn't breath, his mind clouded over, filling with memories he had with his now ex-lover. 

When they chat on or off stream, when they met up in real life, when they kissed. They were all such precious memories. They made him smile, they made his heart feel warm. But now, they made Karl feel pain. They made him feel empty and incomplete. 

His mind was tearing apart, everything felt so cold. The desk felt like it was giving him frostbite, his fingers were numb, his legs shook. His sweater that normally kept him warm was no longer doing its job. 

Karl choked on his own tears, refusing to pull his head up and fix himself. He was afraid off what he'd see in the mirror or his reflection in his PC screen. He lifted the headphones off his head shakily, and slammed them to his desk, never once batting an eye. He slammed them time after time again as his sobs got louder. 

He couldn't move on, his heart was on fire. It hurt so badly. This, it felt like he was dying. He was living in a world of dissipatedness, the colors dull and sad. . . Sapnap gave Karl light to see the world in full. 

But now it's all gone.


In case your confused on why Sapnap broke it off, its because he was under pressure and didn't think he could keep the relationship going. He does still love Karl in the setting but he makes himself get over it overtime. :)

I've also never been in a relationship so I don't know what a break up is like, I just assume its very heartbreaking. So if you think I maybe over-exaggerated this, that's why.  

Requests are open!

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