Jealous (KarlNap)

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NSFW! Voice chat sex and slight praise kink :o

ALSO I started writing this while watching Karl's stream(10-13-20) , I'm actually still watching now AND SAPNAP JUST JOINED THE GAME! FUCK. I LiterAlly JuST SAID tO MYSELf "God, I hope SapNAP doesn't joiN The stReAm" AND FUCKKKKK. I'm already near the end and I'm not rewritting it so pretend Sapnap was never there.

And I'm not trying to push the ship onto them, earlier in the stream Karl said he was fine with shipping and as far as I know Sapnap is fine with it as well. This is just a fanfiction.

I also didn't watch Karl's Love or Host so I don't know if Tricia actually participated or won, I'm just going off of what I heard on twitter. (Also don't know if I'm spelling her name right.)


It started with Karl replying "You're my wife" on Tricia's tweet. Sapnap--Nick--had gotten a little mad. Karl was his boyfriend (and fiancé online), yet he kept doing all these things to make him angry. He knew it was a joke, and to keep suspicion off them. But nonetheless he was jealous

He ignored it for the most part. Moving on, knowing Karl loved him. With their late night calls, over the phone kisses, and flirtatious talks.

But even so, when the notification of Karl's stream popped up he got a feeling of euphoric. He listened to the music as he read some of the chat, practically being a ghost.

And soon Karl started, showing his face, his smile--god his smile. Nick found it adoring, he could stare at him for hours.

Karl showed off his outfit, he had found the shirt he wore when meeting Pokimane. Making him a little jealous, but he quickly push it down. Nick knew it meant nothing.

He continued watching his boyfriend stream, until... Karl said it. Tricia was in the chat. And Karl kept staying she was his wife.

Everyone thought nothing of it, Tricia won the Love or Host, everyone knew that. But Nick couldn't help for feel mad. He knew it was wrong, Karl was allowed to do whatever he wanted, he was a grown man. But Nick felt like Karl maybe, just needed a reminder...?

Nick watched as Karl paused his game, not telling his chat what he was doing. Karl's eyes moved across his screen, and Nick smirked as the other blushed, unable to keep the small smile off their face.

It was a simple message, a compliment. All that was written was, "You're so pretty."

Karl quickly went back to streaming, the chat not even really noticing what had happened. Nick frowned, maybe he needed a little something more.

Another message, "God, You're beautiful." It only caused another blush and small smile. But this time the chat noticed a bit, but quickly dropped it. Karl still kept saying "His wife." And Tricia was still in the chat, he made her VIP.

A message, "I want to kiss you so badly." Karl blushed and stuttered a little on his next sentence. His chat asked what was up, Karl just ignored them.

God, Nick was getting frustrated, Karl just wouldn't stop, he didn't even reply to Nicks messages. Don't get it wrong, he loved the expressions Karl made. But he wanted more.

He typed another, "I want to feel you, make you moan my name." This one had Karl blush brightly, momentarily becoming silent. He quickly cleared his throat, going back to the game, again, ignoring the chats worries and questions.

That was the expression Nick wanted. By now, Karl had stopped calling Tricia his, and now talking with Hbomb. Nick knew he should stop, but God, did he want more of that face.

"I want to pound you into the sheets and make you a mess. God, I love you so much." When Karl saw it his eyes went wide, a blush brighter then the last. This time, Karl replied, quickly, before going back to playing, saying it was nothing.

Karl had wrote, "Sap please, I'm streaming." Nick just chuckled, "I know, and I'm loving your face." Karl just blushed, continuing his conversation.

Nick had stopped the messages for a while, giving Karl false hope that he had stopped. And when he was doing parkour with Hbomb, he sent another.

"I want to make you moan my name, hear you slur under me. You're so beautiful." Karl had to turn his face cam off, to stop the chat from seeing him blush. Nick could just imagine Karl burying his face into his hands as he tried to calm his blush. He wanted to see it himself, not just imagine.

"Turn on your cam, baby."

Karl replied, "No, stop you know I can't"

":( Can I at least have a picture?"

It took a few seconds but Karl sent one. Nick could hear the stream (Karl saying it was technically difficulties) but it was all background noise as he looked at the picture. Karl had the top of his wrist against his mouth as his hand flopped. (I really hope you get what I mean-) His cheeks were flushed a bright scarlet, a smile plastered on his face. He was slumped up against his desk.

God, Nick loved everything about him.

The stream continued with Nick just giving small compliments, sometimes saying something more, but keeping it to a minimum. Near the end he gave one last message, "Call me after."

And he did.

"Hey Sap," His sweet voice came threw.

"Hey baby," Nick purred. Karl blushed before groaning, "Why did you do that" He dragged out, "I was streaming and everyone kept asking!" Karl buried his face in his hands.

Nick chuckled, "I just love you." Karl mumbled something into his hands. Nick continued speaking slowly into the mic, "And I meant every word." Karl whined in embarrassment.

"God, I want to kiss you so badly, I want make you mine." Those words made Karl squirm in his seat, he peeled his his head off his hands to look at his lover. It made him blush even more, he looked away in embarrassment.

"I wish I was there to touch you, Karl" Nick whispered, loving the way Karl fell at his command. Karl made a small noise, squirming as he blushes brightly. "Nick," He dragged out his name.

Nick felt himself get hard, "I want to fuck you until you can't walk anymore. Mark you for everyone to see." Karl bit his thumb as he squeezed his eyes shut. "You're so beautiful," He continued, Pausing to hear Karl give a quiet moan at the praise, "I love your voice, you shouldn't be so quiet." Karl gave a whimper, "I wish you were here with me." He complained.

"I wish I was there too baby, maybe soon." Karl frowned, hoping 'soon' meant really soon.

"Touch yourself for me baby," Karl gave a nod, reaching a hand down despite his embarrassment. He slowly palmed himself through his pants. A gasp escaping his lips.

Nick hummed in appreciation, loving how Karl obeyed his ever say.

As moans escaped Karl's mouth Nick felt himself get harder. He silently reached a hand towards his pants, undoing his own zipper while watching Karl stutter with jerked movements.

Nick started to stroke himself, telling Karl to do the same. He watched as Karl hurriedly pulled off his pants, being to pump himself.

They both wished it could last forever, hearing each other moan was like heaven, but they were soon reaching their climax. Karl whimpered, "I-I'm close." He gasped. "Me too," Nick mumbled.

They released one after the other, Karl almost screaming Nicks name, while Nick gave a small moan. They panted, relaxing post-orgasm. Nick spoke first, "I love you, Karl."

"I love you too, Nick"


njdshfowufbewuOFBE I SUCK at writing smut, so take that shit.

1225 words of sin. How did I get here?

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