Chapter three

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Ruth shuts the door, glaring at me. What the hell is her problem? I sigh and make my way over to my office. My men are just standing there.

Frustrated, I slam the door behind me, "What the hell are you waiting for?! Get him out of here!" I sit at my desk, as Louis and Jeremy take the clear tarp and the man out of the room. I hold my head in my hands, rubbing my temple.

Mateo walks up to me, "I just talked to the Snakes, they're not happy we took Evan."

The Snakes is such a shit name. Who the hell names themselves the Snakes.

"What a shame," I say sarcastically. "Next time, i'll keep their happiness in mind."

He smirks, "Angelo, whether you like it or not their rising in power and position. We won't have a chance at stealing the shipments back if we don't get their trust. It was impulsive to kill Evan."

"Don't you think I know that?! I'm not just going to tolerate this behavior, just because we need to 'earn their trust'"

"Your anger issues are gonna get us all killed!" He says, raising his voice. "Your fathers coming back tomorrow, you better have a plan by then."

I put my head in my hands,"I'll handle it" I say, almost whispering. Usually I wouldn't let him talk to me like that, but he's right, my father is coming back from his trip to Russia, and he expects me to take care of things while he's gone. Anything short of perfection my father will not accept.

I scowl. "Get out," My voice is low, but authoritative enough for him to follow my directions, without questions.

I work tirelessly for another hour, reviewing the ins and outs of the buildings holding my stolen shipments. We have an advantage on the snakes, they don't know we know they are the ones who stole our shipments. We need to earn their trust because if we can make an alliance with them, we will easily be able to get access to the shipments.

I close my computer and look at my watch, it's almost 5 am. I make my way toward the kitchen exhausted and overworked.

Ruth stands at the cabinets, opening each one and scanning the insides.

I walk in, "What are you doing up?" I ask. She jumps,"I thought I told you to go to bed?"

"I- I did go to bed, but I couldn't sleep so I thought i'd make some tea, or something." She stutters. She's so terrified of me, I smile at the thought.

I walk over to where she's standing, and I reach up to grab the tea. She flinches and her arms fly to her face protecting herself, as if I was going to hit her.

She thought I was going to hit her?

I look at her confused, as she lowers her arms. "What was that?" I ask, anger lacing my voice.

"N- nothing." She stutters. It wasn't nothing.

I stare at her for another second, and then slowly, I open the cabinet with the tea bags in it. I take out the chamomile tea. I put water in the kettle, she stands there watching me, from a distance. Once the water is boiling, I move to the other cabinet to get a mug, she backs away even further, I roll my eyes looking down at the kettle. I pour the boiling water into a white mug and dunk the tea bag in.

"Sugar?" I ask her. She nods her head up and down, too afraid to speak. She was all confident two hours ago, I wonder what happened. 

I grab the container of sugar and put two teaspoons in the tea. "Be careful, It's hot" I say, handing it to her.

She takes the tea from my hands, her thumb grazes my finger. I look at her, like really look at her. She's beautiful. She has full plump lips, with a natural pink tint. Glasses that hang too low on her button nose. She has a black stud earring in the left side of her nose. Hazel eyes. Long black hair that extends just below her breast. She's small, probably 5'4 or 5'5. She's wearing grey sweatpants and a black cami crop top that hugs her chest, and stops just bellow her belly button, She's not wearing a bra.

I quickly break my stare and look away from her. "Thank you." She says with her timid little voice.

"We're signing the marriage papers tomorrow, before my father gets back" I pause, "So you should go back to bed."

She holds a somber expression. She doesn't want to marry me. I always knew she didn't, from the moment I met her, I knew she hated this just as much as I did. I can't say I blame her.

"Tomorrow? Isn't that a little soon?" She asks.

"I told my father I'd be married by the time he gets back." I say blankly, as she takes in the fact that she's getting married tomorrow.

"Look I know it sucks, and you probably wanted something a little bit more exciting then town hall, but this is all your gonna get so you might as well make the best of it." I say.

"Make the best of it?" She exclaims, finding her confidence again. "You have to be joking."

"What exactly do you have to complain about? It's not like this is what I want either." I say.

"Have you ever considered that I didn't want to be married off to some stranger, or that I didn't want to leave my entire life behind?! I'm giving up way more than you are in this situation! Are you really that blind, that you can't be bothered to consider anyone else's problems?!" She screams at me.

Now i'm mad.

Suddenly I'm holding her neck, tight and she's pushed up against the wall, she squirms and claws at my hands, trying to pry them off. Tears spring down her cheeks as she continues to try to get out of my hold.

I let go completely, and back away from her. She leans down and puts her hands on her knees out of breath. She gasps for air and coughs, tears streaming down her face.

What did I just do?

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