Chapter five

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Angelo's pov:

My father looks up as I open the door, I sigh and frown. He seems annoyingly happy this morning. Which, inherently, will end up ruining my mood.

"What? You aren't excited to see your dear old dad?" He says, shaking his head in mock shock.

No, i'd rather rip my own eyes out of their sockets then engage in a lecture or listen to snobby comments with no substance.

"I didn't think you would be home this early... I thought you weren't getting in till tonight." I say exasperated. I close the door, and walk over to my desk, rifling through papers, looking for specific forms I need him to sign, now that he's here.

He shakes his head knowingly as I hand him packets of forms he needs to go over. "So is she hot?" He asks shamelessly, talking about Ruth.

I clench my jaw, careful not to show any annoyance. "Who?" I say, playing dumb.

"You know who." He narrows his eyes at me with a devilish smirk.

I focus my eyes on my desk. "Yeah, of course she is." I say playing into his game, giving him a smirk and slightly laughing.

He nods his head. "Ah, maybe I should go see for myself." My father suggest.

"We have a lot of work to do." I object a little too quickly for my taste.

He shakes his head agreeing to forget the subject of Ruth for now. "Tell me, did my son come up with a plan good enough to impress his father." He speaks in third person, almost annoyingly.

I explain my plan to him, as he nods his head approvingly. For a plan I just came up with last night he seems pretty satisfied.

"It's not often that you impress me, but you have exceeded my expectations. Well done." He grumbles. "So more importantly, how did the ceremony go, was our new bride compliant?" He chuckles.

"Not at first, but she quickly changed her ways." I say looking down at my files.


"Ah, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, it seems." He smirks, sharing a private joke with me.

I frown at his words. Do I really want to be like my father?

I brush those thoughts away, because of course I want to be like him. I only hope I can measure up to his status when I take over.


Once my father and I finish work, he says he's going out, business meetings I assume. I'm happy to see him leave. I cant take his company for long periods of time.

I wander into the kitchen, feeling starved. Maria, my house maid, stands in the kitchen cleaning. "Has Ruth eaten yet?" I interrupt.

Maria smiles turning around with grace. "No Mr. Giuseppe, she hasn't come out of her room all day." She comments impassively. "She hasn't eaten." I ponder, bringing my fingers up to the top of my nose. The least I could do is feed the girl.

Once Maria is done making our food, I thank her and head to Ruth's bedroom. I lightly knock, then I step inside. When I walk in she's lying on her bed peacefully sleeping, she looks like she's been crying, she has mascara streaks all down her face. She still looks beautiful, I note.

I set the plate down on her side table and I stand there for quite some time, just looking at her.

It makes me angry that she was crying, angry at her. I don't know why I'm angry, I just am. I scowl at her even though she can't see my face.

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