Chapter twenty-four

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Angelo and I both spot Louis at the same time and I can't help but grip Angelo's hand tighter as if to calm him down or tug him closer to me. I don't want this to get out of hand like it has so many times before.

I barely get a whisper out before Angelo begins to rip away from my hand, dark--dangerous- eyes focused on his target.

"Louis!" He yells, whipping the sand all over the place as he hauntingly walks toward Louis with me practically running behind him.

"Angelo, stop it wasn't his fault." My voice is hushed, but it's as commanding as it's gonna get.

Louis crosses his arms like he's waiting for a mess to unfold. "Angelo- really I-" Louis begins.

"Don't you fucking say another word." Angelo doesn't have to yell to get his point across. "What gives you the right to take MY wife out of my house without telling me."

Louis looks towards me, but I can't tell if his eyes are asking for a way out or help. "Don't look at her, look at me!" Angelo practically screams, making every tourist or beach dweller either look in our direction or go back inside the party tent.

"God, I was just trying to get her out of the house alright?" Louis breathes deeply.

"You're fucking lucky that you're my brother." Angelo runs his hands through his hair, slightly turning around out of stress.

"Look I'm sorry-" Louis begins.

"No- no you're not sorry. If you were sorry you would have taken her home when I called you. If you were sorry, Ruth wouldn't be a stuttering stumbling mess right now." He seethes. "Did you even watch her? Did you even make sure some creep didn't take advantage of her?"

Louis looks more guilty than I've ever seen him and I just want to hug him and make all his regrets go away. It's probably just the four shots, but I feel like this is all my fault. "Angelo it wasn't like that." I say grabbing his arm. "Neither of us thought about it like that."

"Never EVER ignore a direct order from me Louis." Angelo continues, ignoring me. "How am I to trust you if you act like this with Ruth? Huh?"

Louis adjusts his shirt, he can't figure out what to do with his nervous hands. "It won't happen again." He glances at me looking away shamefully.

Angelo studies Louis with a judgment-laced glare for a couple of seconds before stomping off towards the cabana. His mood has been further ruffled by that interaction and all I want to do is calm him down.

Angelo slowly walks into the cabana picking up the white beach bag with all my stuff in it and before he can make his exit I put my hands on his arms, looking up into those dark stormy eyes and pushing him back into the cabana all the way. "What are you doing?" Angelo questions creasing his forehead.

I turn around adjusting the curtains of the cabana so no one can see us.

I trace my eyes down his body, his smooth tattooed skin shows through the white shirt he has on. My mouth waters at his muscles practically bulging out of the short sleeves.

I trace my hand down his chest. "Let me calm you down." I whisper seductively, feeling each and every one of his muscles stiffen at my words.

I slowly slip my hand over the fabric of his jeans, he takes a sharp inhale, closing his eyes. His hand whips down to my wrist, he doesn't remove it. He just rests it there suspensefully staring into my eyes before moving his hand to the back of my head, grouping the hair into his hand.

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