Chapter six

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Angelo's pov:

I drop the knife, and Ruth runs into my arms, with tear stained cheeks.

She has a deep, red cut, on her neck, next to the bruise I left. And her left cheek is red, like it's just been hit. Her wrists are bright pink and I can already see bruises forming, right where one of the snakes held her against the brick wall.

I hold her tight in my grip.

She sobs into my chest, shaking in complete fear. "You're safe now," I whisper, rubbing her back to soothe her. The urge to protect her is practically seeping through my week skin at this point.

We stay like that for a moment.

When I noticed Ruth wasn't at the bar anymore, I surveyed the dance floor and couldn't spot her anywhere. After a few minutes of waiting, I ruled out that she might have gone to the bathroom. We spread out, to look for her, and that's when I went outside into the alley way and saw the man holding her against the wall.

When I heard her scream in pain, I couldn't control myself, all I saw was red, and the snakes got exactly what they deserved for it.

"Angelo," Louis says, "One of them is still alive." Anger floods my thoughts.

I whip my head around to see one of the snakes being held up against the wall, he struggles in their grip, shouting insults.

"Do you want us to interrogate him?" Louis says.

"I'll handle him." I say.

My father glares at me and Ruth, embracing each other. All he sees is weakness.

I release Ruth, because he's right, the snakes are my priority right now, especially now that they've hurt what's mine.

I hesitantly turn away from Ruth, "Louis, take her to the car, now." I command. "Don't leave her unguarded."

Ruth can't seem to move from the spot she's standing in.

I don't want to leave, but that's exactly why I have to. I can't let myself get wrapped up in some silly girl. Even if that silly girl is my wife.

She lets Louis lead her to the car, she can barely walk. She must be so scared.

All I want to do right now is take her home and make her forget this ever happened. But I can't, I have a responsibility, to my father, and to her.

It takes everything inside me to not kill the snake, right off the bat. "Let's just get this over with, so we can all go home." My father says, in a mock cheery voice.

I step up to the snake and pull out my knife, putting it up to his neck, just like the serpents did to Ruth, moments ago. "Why did the snakes take Ruth?" I press the knife further into his neck.

"Lets stay on track, Angelo." My father commands, laughing. "I have to apologize for my son's behavior, his mother always said he had anger issues." My father speaks to the man as if they are close friends. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "relax." He says.

I press the knife further into his neck, spilling blood. I ignore my father, "Tell me!"

The man looks from me, to my father, frantic. "We needed leverage. We needed to take something you cared about!" He rushes out.

I smirk, "Who says I care about her?" I genuinely laugh.

"S- shes your wife, w- we just assumed-"

My father interrupts him,"Assumed my son changed his ways and let love into his heart" He can't control his laughter when he says it. I laugh along with him. The snakes have always been foolish with their attacks and careless with their plans.

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