Chapter eight

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Angelo's pov:

The next morning after Ruth's incident, with my father, I call Louis to set up preparations for the party were throwing tonight, at Miami beach.

He needs me down there, so I tell my driver—Lorenzo—to get the car ready.

When I go to leave, I stop in front of Ruth's room, almost involuntarily. It's too early for her to be up, so I creek open the door, just enough to see her sleeping.

Her cheek is bruised near her eye, from the many hits she has received in the last few days, once by my father, and once by the snakes.

The bruise I left on her neck is still there, but it's faded significantly since last week. You can barely see it, unless you look close. The cut that the serpent left on her collar bone, has also healed since last week, but you can still see the pink undertone of where the cut is.

Her hand is wrapped in the towels I put on last night, and the ice pack lays next to her in bed. She looks like she's having a nightmare, by the disfigured look on her face. Her unburned hand grips the pillow that her head is laying on, and her eyes are pinched closed in distress.

Even with bruises and cuts, she still looks like an angel.

I silently close the door and head into the kitchen routinely.

Maria greets me with my protein shake, "Good morning, Mr. Giuseppe." She smiles endearingly.

"Good morning, Maria." I say, "I have a favor to ask. Can you bandage Ruth's hand, when she gets up?" I employed Maria for this reason, among others, but her nursing residency will come in handy, in situations like these. 

"Yes, of course, Mr. Giuseppe." Maria knows not to question me when I tell her to do something, it's in the contract all my employees sign.

I grab my water and my protein shake and head to the car. It must be at least 100 degrees outside. I'm already sweating and I haven't even been outside for that long. It's definitely a good day to throw a pool party.

Ruth's pov:

I wake up to a hand lightly tapping my shoulder. I turn my whole body around in a rush.

"I didn't mean to startle you Mrs. Giuseppe." Maria stares down at me.

"Oh, that's okay, Maria." I state, sitting up, rubbing my glossy eyes.

"Mr. Giuseppe wants me to bandage your hand," she quietly points to my burnt hand, wrapped in towels.

"Oh, okay."

Last night, was the last straw. The hate I have for Angelo can not be simply described or put into words, nevertheless, it's undeniable, especially after what he did.

I never thought he could be that callous, to burn a women's hand for defending herself.

Angelos a psychopath, and he seems to get it from his father.

Maria takes gauze, ointments, and bandage out of her bag. She motions for me to give her my hand and I lightly place it on hers, face up.

"It doesn't look too bad, this should heal in a couple of weeks with proper treatment." She assures, "How did you burn it?" She applies some cream to it, that soothes the constant throbbing.

"Angelo... Angelo put my hand on the burner." I laugh, for Maria's sake. It's too early to talk about serious stuff. She doesn't look shocked or surprised, she just nods her head and continues to focus on my hand. Maria knows me well enough to know I don't need sympathy, in fact it makes me feel pathetic.

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