Chapter thirty-five

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Louis's Pov:

The heat pelted my skin making it painful to stay outside any longer. I threw the football into the hands of a small boy just under the age of six. His belly shook with laughter as the football slipped past him. The sweat from the heat was making it hard for him to get a good grip.

I parked my tired body onto the grass, inviting the boy to join me with a pat on the spot next to me.

I could see Ruth before I could hear her, "Boys!" She yelled, she was holding a tray of water and snacks for her son. Her son who was right next to me picking grass from the ground. He looked up his mother and her endearing expression and smiled. He picked up the football and looked into my eyes, softly communicating what we both knew was a challenge for next time when he would ask me if we could throw the ball around. He ran to Ruth and I followed suit.

"You don't visit enough," she softly patted my back. She squeezes her own torso and smiles softly,"Its so lovely to have everyone together."

"Agreed." I smile with familiarity as Angelo greets us... his son runs swiftly into his arms and Angelo makes a huffing noise as their body's bounce into each other. Angelo laughs with pure joy.

He stands and strides over to me, "There's a reason he's so busy." he remarks overhearing our conversation.

I couldn't help but tell my big brother the news before I told Ruth, we both look forward to seeing the expression on Ruth's face when she finds out.

I smile softly at Ruth's clueless face, "Rosemary and I are having a baby, a boy." I say.

Ruth gasp's and her hands come to her lips, her expression a mix of pure emotion and joy. She comes around the table to hug me. "Oh my god, Lou, I'm so happy for you. You're going to be an incredible Father." Her eyes water and swirl with happiness.

We talk for hours and eventually the 4 of us take a long walk watching the sunset and reminiscing about 6 years ago when their son Mathew was born, unexpectedly of course but nonetheless the best thing to have ever happened to Ruth and Angelo.

The family we've all built from rubble has taken us through struggles and hard times, but it's been worth every minute and every second.

I look around at my family and take in the sunset and sigh knowing we've got everything we will ever need.

The End

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