Chapter thirty-two

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This shit is all over the place. 


Ruth's POV:

The guys have been acting so weird since last night. Angelo is tense every time I'm near him and Louis is suspiciously serious. No jokes or innuendos. Just silence from both of them.

It freaked me out at first because I thought it must've been from what I said last night, all those things I told them. But then I remembered the way they had my back. Angelo held me all night, he even let himself sleep in. Louis held my hand until my eyes closed from the sleeping pill. He kissed my forehead and left the room with a slight close of the door. I was still fighting sleep at that point, but Angelos slow steady breaths lulled me into unconsciousness.

Hanging out with Enzo all day has not been a picnic. I asked if I could walk myself down to the field on our property. He said he would follow. Although I trust Enzo completely, I still don't really feel the need to be alone with him for an afternoon. No matter how far away he'll be standing. He kinda gives me the creeps.

I even tried cracking jokes with him, but he wasn't budging.

"Miss Guiseeppe, Angelo is requesting your presence for dinner," Enzo says, eyeing the book in my hands as I lie on a pool chair outside.

"Enzo," The guy is practically snoring when I look up from my not-at-all enthralling book. "What's a day in your life like?" I close my book like this conversation will consume my full attention.

He doesn't react like a normal person would. "Come on, all I'm asking for is a small fact about your life. That's not against the rules."

"You're bored, your curiosity will pass." I detect the slightest accent.

I mock excitement. "So he does speak! My god, this whole time I thought you took some weird, casa nostra vow of silence."

He smirks uncharacteristically. "Tell me, are you Turkish? Russian? I'm dying to know."

His momentary smirk fades. "Neither." He cuts me off. "Mr. Gueseppe requires your presence inside." He repeats. I roll off the chair smacking the book to the ground and smiling politely as I pass him. He's definitely got some secrets that I'm dying to find out.

I meet the new maid in the kitchen finding her plating a bowl of my favorite pasta. "Mr. Angelo requested it special for you." 

I smile. "Where is he?" 

"He said he wouldn't be able to join you, but I was to ensure you eat." 

I frown, suddenly not so hungry anymore. "It smells great, but I think I'm coming down with something." 

"But miss what should I tell him?" 

"That I've started a hunger strike," I say sarcastically moving into my old room. 

I pick up my book, water, and some earphones and I briskly walk myself into Angelos office, not expecting to see the boys perched on the couch handling guns and bullets, even knives. They both look up, unphased. 

I glance at the guns but I pretend they aren't there when I walk further into the room. They go back to working on the metal machines. Popping bullets into each one with the palms of their hands. It's like a beautiful dream watching both of them work, almost calming.

I stand awkwardly in front of them, flicking my gaze to the fireplace and connecting some dots that I really hadn't thought about before. I tilt my head at them, hurt replacing reluctance. "Don't do this." They avoid my eyes, on purpose. "You don't have to kill him."

"Are you seriously defending a man that did all that stuff to you?" Louis's hurt gaze flies up to mine. He looks like an angry boy. He can't understand that I'm not defending my father.

"He's dangerous," I plead. "You don't know how dangerous he can be."

Angelo sits on the couch unmoving except for the loading of the bullets. "I know exactly how dangerous he is." 

"God, you guys never listen! You're on a fucking suicide mission." I yell, crossing my arms, making a hasty exit. "I'm going on a walk." I finally say once I've concluded they arent going to respond. 

I wrap my bag tighter around my shoulder and I break into a fast walk past the kitchen.

I hear faint footsteps behind me as I unlock the glass doors that lead to the pool. I don't know where I'm going, I just know I need to be away from the house. I break into a jog down the steps that lead away from the pool house. I don't dare look behind me because I know they are there. I can feel the stares on my back.

I hear the footsteps right behind me and before I can run faster I'm caught in their grip. "You're not very good at running away." Louis's breath makes me shiver and cringe away from him. His arms are around my waist and I feel as though I can't get away. I look back for Angelo's help, but he sees it and he's not gonna do anything about it. "He's not gonna help you." Louis comments harshly tugging me back up the stairs

"Stop it, you're hurting me." I say as I'm being dragged back to the pool area. His grip loosens but he doesn't stop. We stop near the edge of the pool. Louis grabs my waist, hoists me up over his shoulder, and throws me into the cold pool.

I come up for air, the look on my face is all rage. "What the hell!" I scream.

"You needed to cool off! And for your information, your father is already dead." He angrily exclaims. His breathing is ragged and untrained. He looks more enraged than I've ever seen him.

"What?" I say lightly, shock undertaking my expression.

"Last night." He answers unable to look me in the eyes like he usually does.

I stand still "You two killed him?" I eye both of them. "Both of you?"

Angelo speaks for the first time today. "Louis did." He moves closer to his brother, gripping his shoulder in support. He looks like he's proud of him.

I move to the edge and I pull myself from the pool. Louis looks to the ground. His gentle nature is so endearing.

"Thank you," I whisper, hugging my soaking wet body to his.

He buries his face in my neck. "Anyone that hurts you-"

"I know, I know, it's okay."

"How did you do it?" I feel strong arms behind me encircling me with a white towel. It excites me to be paid attention to from so many different directions.


"My brother? How did you find him? I haven't been able to reach him in weeks."

"He reached out to me a couple of days ago... said he respects me for taking care of you. He said if I ever needed anything I could give him a call. The phone number he gave me had a weird area number, I figured it was a disposable phone."

"Is he safe?"

Louis smiles. "Safe and happy. He's with Gracie in some secret location. He couldn't tell me any details, but he wanted me to tell you not to worry about him."

I smile. He always loved the city. I'd like to imagine he's living it up in New York or Seattle with Gracie. They've probably moved on from all the baggage my family has created. Good for them. They got lucky. I hope someday I'm as lucky as them.

"I'm glad he's gone." Who knows, maybe it was him all along. Maybe he's the one who has been messing with us.

Though I doubt it, it feels good to feel hope again.

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