Chapter twelve

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"Louis, I won't say it again, not tonight." Angelo says, under his breath.

"Oh come on brother, you haven't gone soft, have you?" Louis smiles, a bone-chilling smile, eager to piss Angelo off and I think it's working. Leave it to louis to push all the right buttons. He's totally baiting him and it's completely scaring the shit out of me. Angelo's ego might not withstand his brother mocking him and I might not withstand Angelos anger.

Angelo smiles a condescending grin,"It's clear, you're still a little child, who can't help but play where you don't belong."

"Who says I'm playing?" He laughs, "I'm completely serious."

Angelos' face hardens,"Not that i'm particularly a fan of your opinion, but what would you have me do in this situation?"

"If I were you," He ponders,"I would treat her like we treat all our traders."

"So, inconspicuously, tie my wife up and torture the truth out of her?" He laughs, "that seems a bit extreme."

My entire body stiffens and my breath hitches. The stink of testosterone in this room is enough to euthanize an elephant. I feel like running, or passing out, except there's nowhere to run and passing out would make it all too easy for them.

"it's not like you care either way," He looks at me, then Angelo, "right?"

I've never wished for Angelo's lack of humanity to suddenly pop back into his body, like I do right now. But his face is devoid of emotion and his body is calmed, like my life doesn't completely ride in his hands. Which i'm beginning to think is not on his list of priorities.

I haven't even begun to figure out who Angelo is.

"Come on Angelo you don't even have to do it, i'll gladly take the burden," he pauses, "plus me and my sister-in-law have barely gotten to spend any time together." He mockingly frowns.

"Ruth, be a good girl and tell us what we want to hear." Louis pauses,"If you do, I'll make your death quick and painless. Promise." Louis says, playfully crossing his fingers and putting them behind his back.

Angelos hard eyes turn to mine asking for an answer that I can't give him.

Instead of incriminating myself anymore then I already have, I stay silent, glancing at the ground, hoping it will swallow me whole.

"That's very unfortunate Ruthy." Louis sighs, with a slight smile on his beautiful face.

I can see the family resemblance. Both beautiful men on the outside and cold and callus on the inside.

Louis scrounges across the room in my direction, taking my arm forcefully and lightly leading me down the dark corridors of Angelos house.

Angelo does not follow and as we leave the room, I spare a glance in his direction. His eyes display disdain and a general look of inconspicuous turmoil at me being taken from him, but he makes no move to stop the action, or prevent my predicament. Not surprising.

Louis seems all too happy to take control of the entire situation. The psychopath actually bares a smile on his face, one that would strike terror in even the toughest of humans.

This time, I don't fight, I merley let myself be strayed along the aisles of the house. We pass the office and my bedroom, along with Angelos bedroom and at the end of the hall, Louis and I face a suitably inaccessible door with locks attached to the handle.

Louis smiles that creepy grin at me, before pulling out a key from his back pocket and slowly unlocking the door, probably to extend my own internal torture.

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