Chapter twenty-seven

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boobs -unknown


I wake up to the aroma of bacon.

Angelo snuggles into my neck grazing my shoulder with his light stubble. His demeanor suggests he wants to stay in bed forever. I can tell by the morning groan and the way he pulls the covers over us. I'm surprised because he's usually up way before me, either working out or getting ahead of work before 7 am at least.

Our bodies are sweaty and wrapped up together. Angelo never stops trying to get closer to me. It's like an unconscious instinct. I'll have to remind him to turn down the temperature. I think we're on the verge of a heatwave or maybe that's just us.

"Angelo." I hum lightly, trying to check if he's awake.

"Hmm." He responds.

"Are you awake?"

"No." He jokes, squeezing my body tighter to his.

"Okay, stupid question."

"Mhmm" He agrees.

His hand rests on my bare breast under the black shirt that he gave me last night and I can't help but shiver when his soft fingertips brush up and down my stomach.

I shift into his crotch trying to get closer and I immediately remember the soreness from last night, it's back and it's worse.

"You hungry?" He questions in his morning voice.

"Yes." I mumble.

"We should get out of bed then."

"We should." Neither of us moves an inch for I don't know how long.

He kisses the side of my neck. "Okay, now we really have to get up." He detaches himself from me, rolling over to the other side of the bed and climbing out.

Angelo disappears in the bathroom for a moment and he comes out with a clean pair of boxers and a large bandage for my stomach.

He whips off the covers and he rolls up the shirt that he put on me last night pressing kisses all along my stomach before he applies disinfectant to the small stitches. I hiss, grasping the bedsheets.

He looks up at me with the slightest bit of concern showing in his eyes. "Do you have more of those pain meds?" He questions focusing on the bandage.

I shake my head no and he huffs out of frustration, smoothing the bandage on my stomach and running his hands up and down my torso. "I'll get more."

"Illegally?" I ask because I'm curious.

"Mhm." He hums, rubbing his large hands up and down my body. He looks like an animal about to attack his prey.

But when his hands go near my nether regions I widen my eyes, it hurts way too bad to be touched. "I'm not gonna touch you today, you know that right?"

I nod in relief and also disappointment. "Yes, I know."

"I think I went a little too hard on you last night."

"I like hard."

"I know you do." He says deliciously. "But I got too carried away and you don't know what's good for you." He rolls my shirt back over my body and he puts the clean boxers on me.

I scoff at him. "And you do?"

"Absolutely." He laughs. "Wrap your arms around my shoulders." He commands softly and I do, because he knows what's best for me and I trust him. Very pathetic, but I can't help it.

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