Chapter four

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lol I cried writing this chapter...

I don't like this dress anymore, but i'm not gonna change it bc I like to see you suffer.

Ruth's pov:

He pushes me against the wall, hands around my neck and nails digging into my skin. He stares at me with rage in his eyes. I pry and scratch at his hands, doing anything I can to make him let go. Tears stream down my face. I wonder if I'm going to die, if this is how I'm going to die. But then he lets go and air speeds back into my lungs.

I take big long deep breaths which causes me to cough, as he backs away from me. He looks at his hands with wide eyes.

It's like he became an animal, he looked like he wanted to kill me.

If I didn't know better I would think someone took over his body, but I do know better, and this is who he is.

He won't even look at me.

He resumes his usual emotionless demeanor and leaves me in the kitchen, alone.

I'm actually getting married to that man tomorrow. Holy shit. I feel like screaming, I feel like throwing up, I feel like punching him in the face. "This can't be happening," I say quietly to myself, tears streaming down my face.

I'm actually getting married to a man who's exactly like my father. I feel myself getting worked up. I feel like I'm hyperventilating, and I can't breathe. 

I slide down to the floor and quietly sob into my hands. "It's okay, It's okay ruth." I say to myself, over and over again to calm myself down.

But even I know it's not okay, that I'm not okay.


That same morning I woke up from the 4 hours of sleep I got, to a loud knocking. There's a moment of peace before I remember everything.  I rub the sleep from my eyes and take a second to realize where I am. It's gonna take me a while to get used to this.

I get up from the bed and unlock the door, pulling it open to the driver who drove us home from my house yesterday.

"Miss Giovanni, Angelo wanted me to inform you that we will be leaving soon, and to make sure you're ready." The driver says, looking at me in a weird way, that I can't decipher.

"Oh, okay."

I close the door and head into the bathroom.

I pause when I see a big purple red bruise where his hands were on my neck. "Oh my god." I whisper to myself, hand covering my open mouth. Everything that happened last night comes rushing back.

I throw up in the toilet twice before I can drag myself to the shower.

I don't cry, I just perform my regular routine like a robot. I feel like I'm not in my body, someone else is, and I don't recognize her.

After my shower I brush my hair staring at myself in the mirror emotionless. Am I in shock? I know I'm getting married to Angelo, but it's like it hasn't sinked in yet. Maybe my mind won't let me believe I'm getting married today, because it's too much for me to handle.

I put on deodorant, then I dry my hair and brush my teeth. I put on lotion, before I put on a knee length black lace dress and black shoes, an outfit usually picked for a funeral, definitely the right choice for this occasion. I paint my nails white and spray vanilla perfume in the air and walk into it. I include my mothers necklace in my outfit, it has a white rose at the center of the silver chain.

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