Chapter thirty

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I really want to apologize for how weak Ruth is yall. When I started this book I was in the cringe stage of mafia writing and now her personality is all screwed up. Go read The Darkest Swan for more diverse characters pls. 


Angelo pov:

I involuntarily pushed the glasses, papers, and random little nick nacks off my desk in a show of impatience. Ruth is being difficult. On purpose. She's not making any of this easy. I bet her small ass is still sore with my mark. Seems like she wants more by the look of it.

I come around the desk in my office facing her, a small fire crackles in the other room. It's late, maybe 12:00, I'm not sure, I haven't had time to look.

Originally she said they made her feel hazy. Like a zombie. That was why she couldn't take it. But it wasn't. She's just stubborn. She wants people to believe she's not hurting. But I know better.

"You don't think I know when you're in pain? Huh? You think I don't have eyes?" I turn the lamplight in the office on as she sits her ass back down on the chair in front of the desk. Her expression shifts into a pained one briefly. She's probably exhausted from all the activity today. We got a new maid, which made her sad. I tried holding off as long as I could, but with all this work, I could barely make sure she was fed, let alone clean this giant house by myself.

"You're terrible at acting," I repeat.

"I never claimed to be an actress." She glares at me.

Louis parts the door from its frame slowly entering as if he's being extra cautious. He must've heard me yelling. Ruth turns her head, making that adorable sad face at my brother. He approaches her, eyes only glancing up at me in confusion for a second. He haunches low in front of her, bending at the knees. "What did the bad man do?" He asks as if she's a child.

She frowns. Not responding. She merely shakes her head letting out a huff of hot air and turning her face from his view.

"She won't take her meds." I blurt. Louis's eyes narrow. Louis is in fact capable of being serious... sometimes.

He brushes stray hair from her face, offering her calm instead of anger. She blinks, looking up at me as if to ask if this is okay. I train my eyes on her, lazily watching her chest rise and fall.

Louis stands, walking over to me and taking the pills from my hands. He grabs the water bottle from the floor of crumpled paper and other miscellaneous objects, walking over to Ruth with her crossed arms and a furious expression on her face. He stands so close to her. He's like a tower. His legs brush her knee caps.

He pulls the two pills in his fingers and he gently moves them to her lips. "It's okay." He soothes. After a moment of his fingers resting on her lips, she parts her mouth just enough for him to plant the pills inside. He lifts her chin up slightly, putting the water up to her lips and offering his hand on her leg for extra support. I don't think he thinks I can see it. "See that wasn't so hard." His voice is soft and playful. I relax my shoulders a bit. This whole pill thing was stressing me out.

"Take her to bed," I tell Louis even though I want to be the one to take her to bed.

He nods in agreement, holding out his hand for Ruth. She looks at it unsure like she'd rather it be my hand and me coming to bed with her.

She pulls herself up to fast causing Louis to catch her before she goes back down again. I stiffen, rounding the desk to see if she's okay. "The pills..." She brings her hand to her head. "They make my brain foggy." Her hand lay flat on Louis' chest and his hands circled her waist protectively.

"Already? You just took them." Louis comments as she drifts onto his shoulder, her arm wraps around his neck, holding on tight. He makes a low groaning noise from deep within his chest. Something tells me he's enjoying this. I roll my eyes at him.

"I know but... I can feel them." She closes her eyes. She turns to me. "I don't like them. Please don't make me take them anymore."

"We'll figure something out, baby." I push my hand to the nape of her neck and I pluck a soft kiss on her lips. "Go to bed."

She leans on Louis for a few steps but then I think he gets impatient so he puts his arm under her knees and lifts her into his arms. I part my lips knowing there's nothing I can do about this.

As I sit down I watch Louis kick the door closed, disappearing from my view. 

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