Chapter thirty-three

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Hey baddies (;


"Isn't there something more valuable to do with your time?" I remark as Louis throws Ruth into the pool in our backyard, she giggles beautifully.

The birds chirp with joy as the sun makes its way from behind the trees of the many acres of land I received when I bought this house. The land keepers trim bushes and mow the lawn in the distance.

She dunks her head above water, hair sticking to the sides of her face, mascara slightly messy. She's wearing a hot pink bikini. Even better, she's not insecure about her scars. She's coming around to seeing herself the way I see her.

"The water feels nice, join us." Louis remarks as he dips his legs into the pool staring down at Ruth who's splashing him with water out of revenge.

I gaze longingly at wet brown hair and sparkly tan skin. She makes heaven seem real. Ironic because that's exactly where I won't be going. "I've got tons to do," I say. "Can I speak with you for a moment?" I phrase the question at Louis.

He stands up leading me over to the bar and pouring both of us a glass of bourbon. "Do you ever rest?"

"I'll rest when I'm dead." I smile jokingly.

"Okay, don, what's with the cryptic 5-word sentences? You feeling down?"

"No, not at all. Why would you think that? Is it because my family's life is resting on my shoulders? Or because my little brother can't take anything seriously even if it kills him."

"The latter." He remarks watching Ruth drip with water as she emerges from the pool. He looks up at me the way he did when he was a toddler and I was his only source of companionship. "Why are you ignoring her?"

"Everything that's happened is because I wasn't ignoring her; because I didn't have the guts to keep myself away from her. If she hates me, so be it. At least she won't be rotting in a grave 6 feet under."

He looks at Ruth then at me thoughtfully. "I can handle everything for a day. Why don't you just take her out? She's bored here and so are you." Louis offers. "You need a break."

I shake my head immediately. "It's too dangerous."

"What's too dangerous?" Ruth asks from behind me, pouring herself a drink.

"Nothing. You and Angelo are going out." Louis states playfully ignoring my warning glare.

"Really?" Ruth asks suspiciously.

I huff in frustration. "No."

Ruth's face distorts into unhappiness. It crushes me.

"Bring Enzo and the others, I've got everything handled." Louis soothes, patting me on the back with the most reassuring smile on his face. I trust him with the business but it's hard for me to relinquish any control.

"You heard me say no, right?"

"Swimmers' ears I guess," Louis replies. 

"Please, Angelo! I need to get out. I haven't been anywhere in weeks."

I've been too busy dealing with the fear of Ruth dying to notice Ruth's clear signs of insanity from being locked in a metaphorical tower

I hand Ruth a towel, smiling slightly.

She smiles back.

"Feel like going to italy?" How could I not give in? I eye her body suggestively. I want to rake my hands down her dripping torso. She's beautiful in the sunlight. Glistening even.

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