Chapter fifteen

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We didn't go home after the frenzy at the resort-like I had hoped we would.

We quite literally moved to the identical lodge right next to it, so they could have time to 'clean' as Angelo put it--which probably will consist of several of Angelos men erasing every body and spec of blood in that place.

Thankfully, there was barely anyone there last night, so the ones that died were a select few--including the receptionist and a few tourists who lingered in the lobby after hours.

After I calmed down from my unholy breakdown in the janitor's closet, Angelo told Louis to take me to the lodge twin to this one, because he had to deal with the mess.

His instructions were clear. "Don't let Ruth out of your sight, not even for a minute." He says in a whisper. "Take her directly to the room, nowhere else."

Angelo can't handle not having control of everything.

Louis nods his head, watching Angelo step over the body and leave the closet, pulling out his phone.

"Ruth," He motions for me to join him in the doorway, his face is sullen. "Close your eyes." He says lightly.

I close my eyes and I feel his hand in mine--much softer than Angelos, silently Louis leads me out of the crime scene. I can't see the bodies, but I can sense them and I can smell the metallic aroma of blood in the air.

The cold hits my skin as soon as we step outside and I release Louis's hand crossing my arms over my chest.

We silently walk the short distance from this lodge, to the next.

Louis is a bit freaked out by my outburst, I can tell by the way he avoids my eyes and his unwillingness to talk, or joke, or laugh--like usual.

"Who were those men?" I ask, filling the silence.

"Not sure." He says shortly.

I nod my head looking at the snow crunching beneath my feet.

Louis opens the door in a rush, looking around suspiciously before stepping in, and hurriedly walking towards the receptionist desk, with me following behind him.

"Sir. How can I help-"

"I need a room immediately." Louis cuts the receptionist off.

"Sir we don't have-"

"Put it under Giuseppe." Louis says, sliding his card across the desk.

"Mr. Giuseppe," Recognition floods her voice. "I didn't realize-"

"It's fine," He grunts. "I'm just in a hurry."

The receptionist blinks, before reaching for 2 room keys and handing them to Louis in slight bewilderment.

"Do you own the place or something?" I ask once we're in the elevator.

"A friend of the family does,"

"I see." I say, bowing my head.

Louis hands me one of the room keys and leads me to two identical doors, opening one with a key and pausing. "Enzo is on his way up," Louis breathes. "He will stay by your door until Angelo gets back."

I nod my head and I unlock the door, swiping the plastic card and when the light turns green I turn the handle and am greeted by a beige hotel room; with one bed. "Not again." I whisper lightly to myself in exhaustion.

The first thing I do after shutting the door is take off all my blood-stained clothes and turn on the shower.

I lock the bathroom door and I step under the hot water, finally letting myself breakdown, I cry as I watch the dried blood seep off my body and into the drain.

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