Chapter twenty-one

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Can yall pls recommend wattpad's to me? I'm trying to find ones that don't make me cringe and like smut, but not too much. Good writing is preferred. Pls include the name and the author's name. Thx besties.


Angelo's Pov:

I take the long way to my father's house. For reasons I can't quite pinpoint.

I'd like to say I wanted to enjoy the scenery of the backroads, but I hate driving, I always have and I know that's not the reason why I'm avoiding going back to the house, especially under these circumstances. Nonetheless, I make a turn onto the long gravel driveway moments after deliberating turning around. The sky is dotted with orange undertones alarming me of the fast approaching sunset. I check the time on the dashboard. It reads 5:48. He's not gonna like that.

I should've left when I needed too or this wouldn't be happening.

I speed past the big chunks of green grass on each side of the car. My father owns hundreds and hundreds of acres of land. He likes to show his money off in any way possible.

The house is starkly lit under the approaching darkness of the night. Cars line the outside, while on the inside people of all sorts linger next to the windows sharing light gossip and chatting about nothing of importance.

My father thinks he's still in his 20s. He throws elaborate parties every week Inviting expensive guests and clients to each one.

I roll my eyes at the tradition.

Sometimes he would give Louis and me a pet weeks before the parties and then when the time would come for the games, he would make Louis and I snap its head. That got old fast, the humiliation, the crying, the mourning, it was one of his favorite games; it was more for him than the guest. Something about giving us hope and then ripping it away the moment we thought it would last was so enticing to him. We caught on fast and we stopped caring, we stopped loving things because every time we did they would be ripped away from us. I can't say it wasn't an effective method and sometimes I'm even thankful for it.

I slowly edge up to the gate that circles the house. Guards stand to the side of me in a white cubicle with a lone window. They glance in the direction of the car immediately recognizing me and buzzing me in.

I pull up behind the multitude of cars watching more guests trickle into the house and watching some trickle out. The music from inside is not at all subtle, but what else could you expect from one of my father's parties.

I park the car quickly, taking my keys from the ignition and slamming the door a little too loud, causing multiple people to look up from their conversations.

I glare at them in warning as I stride up to the large doors.

When I first enter, I head straight to the kitchen in search of my mother.

My parents' maid Rosa stands at the counter ordering the kitchen staff around just like she ordered me around when I was little. Her small hands fumble with a jar, trying to get the cap off. "Let me." I say striding over to Rosa, removing it from her hands and popping the cap off.

It smells heavenly in the kitchen, more nostalgic than I remember.

The servants busy themselves chopping vegetables and throwing meat into pots. I recognize some, but the rest are foreign to me. They intentionally avoid my eyes.

"My arthritis," She mumbles in her thick accent, retrieving the jar and pouring the whole made sauce into the skillet. She turns around with a smile wiping her hands with a towel. "Angelo," She opens her arms kissing both of my cheeks.

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