Chapter twenty-two

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Filler chapter. Filler chapter. Filler chapter. Also, it's kinda unedited, but can you tell me if I made a mistake so I can go back.

Also sorry for using an AAVE term wrong, that shit flew right over my head.


An entire week has passed since the fight in my bedroom. I've seen Angelo around the house only twice.

The first time, we bumped into each other in the hallway. It was awkward and uncomfortable and Angelo was not willing to make any small talk. The air was filled with unresolved tension on my part. He treated me like he didn't even know me and that was what hurt the most. He's not willing to negotiate. He's decided to stay away and when he makes decisions about things he does not break his resolve. Clearly.

The second time was when I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Angelo must not have been able to sleep just like me, but as soon as he saw me, he stormed away, which made me sob abrasively into the sink because I had thought I had done something wrong.

The first night was the worst. The nightmares came back and I was alone this time. It took everything in me not to wander off to his room and beg him to lie with me until I could go to sleep. I kept replaying that scenario in my mind and I couldn't decide if Angelo would let me one last time or if he would tell me to go back to bed. I decided I didn't want to find out because I was in enough pain as it was.

I regret not saying more to Angelo, but I have a feeling he wouldn't believe me if I told him he could control himself around me if he really wanted to. He doesn't understand the power he has. I know he thinks he's like his father, especially after that night, but I know he's different, he always was.

I'm supposed to be going out with Louis tonight, but I'm honestly not in the partying mood. Trying everything you can to hold yourself together can be tiring and at the same time begging to be able to let go, to cry, to feel everything fully not just in increments; it's dehumanizing. This is when your body gets the most desperate when you're at your lowest, your mind tries to find ways to soothe you, and the idea of finding comfort in the very person who hurt you the most becomes desirable and almost irresistible.

Louis says I need to get out of the house. He thinks the reason I've been so lazy lately is because of my wound, but that's only half of it. I can't seem to get Angelo out of my head. Who would want to go to a party in this state?

I quickly grab my beach bag, running through the halls as Louis screams my name over and over again, dramatically taunting me.

I turn around the corner gracefully walking into the kitchen as if I hadn't just been running through the house. "I'm here." I say slightly out of breath.

Louis looks down at his watch. "Took ya long enough." He hums as I open the fridge taking out multiple water bottles and putting them into my beach bag. "Where's Angelo." He questions curiously, and for some reason, he focuses intently on my expression.

"I don't know, I'm not his mother." I say popping fruit into my bag. "Ready?"

He smiles a coy grin cracking his knuckles out of habit. "Mmhhmm." He hums with a familiar suspicious face that I've seen too many times in the past week. I wonder how much his brother really tells him.


We march into the private cabana relishing in the warm weather and the hot sand beneath our feet. I smile for the first time in a while as I set my bag down, taking in the view. It really pays off to live 5 minutes from the beach. I should really make an effort to come more.

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