Chapter twenty

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Yay chapter 20!

Chapter disclaimer- spicy scenes ahead, 17 and up fr!

I wake to the whispers of Angelo and a doctor speaking outside of the room. They're just out of earshot, but I can make out Angelos's aggressive tone and his annoyed posture. He points his hand at the doctor in an accusatory manner, but the doctor takes it pretty well. He looks like he deals with angry people all the time.

I try moving my body to get a better view, but I'm immediately hit with the immense pain from the gunshot wound. The drugs have definitely worn off.

Angelo directs his angry eyes in my direction, noticing my pain. He comes flying into the room with the doctor behind him, "What is it?" He asks lightly, softening his expression and momentarily forgetting his anger towards the doctor.

"I'm fine." I say scrunching up my face. Angelo props my pillows up and he needlessly tucks me in. I swat his hands away, "Stop bothering, I'm fine." I lie.

The doctor retreats to my side, clicking a button on the machine. It almost immediately makes my pain go away. My eyes get droopy and my entire body releases the tension that was there moments ago.

"I'll prescribe some pain meds..." The doctor says, writing something down on his clipboard. He sighs avoiding Angelos glare.

"That's not necessary." I laugh it off. The doctor looks up momentarily, eyeing Angelo.

"Yes, it is." Angelo's stern tone surprises me. He looks at the doctor with a hard expression convicting him with his glare. The doctor sighs, putting his pen back down on the paper, writing more details. Why are they both acting so weird?

"So when can I leave." I say redirecting the stiff conversation.

"I'd say as soon as possible, as long as you promise to drink lots of water and get lots of rest."

Anything to get the hell out of here. "I promise."

"I'll prescribe those antibiotics and pain relievers," He says, writing more things down on his clipboard, "but other than that you're all set." He smiles and glares at Angelo before leaving the room.

Angelo seems distracted as he fills out my release forms, his stern concentration is giving me shivers. What were he and that doctor talking about?

Just when I'm about to ask, the same nurse from last night walks into the room holding a beautiful vase full of white roses. "These came for you." She says, causing both Angelo and I to look up curiously. "They were left on the front desk when I got back from my break." She shakes her head like she has better things to do.

"Is there a note?" I ask her as she puts them down on the desk.

She picks a white rectangular card out of the green stems, flipping it over in her hand. "Deliver to room 304." She reads off the card. "Must be a secret admirer."

Angelo's jaw tenses as he strides over to the nurse plucking the card out of her hand and inspecting it like he can find something she couldn't.

The nurse impassively turns around and exits the room without another word.

Angelo looks at me as if to ask a question. "I have no idea." I say shrugging my shoulders, causing a direct spark of pain to gravitate through me.

"Must be the wrong room." I say as Angelo picks up the vase, turning on his heel and throwing it into the trash bin next to my bed.

"Are you ready?" He sternly questions.

I nod my head, weary of his disgruntled state. Angelo exits the room momentarily disappearing, but seconds later he comes back into the room with a wheelchair.

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