Chapter twenty-three

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"Only a couple of drinks for you." Antonio says with his stern voice towards Gracie. "And you." He directs his gaze towards me. Gracie grins with her intense smile and perfect white teeth nodding her head mockingly. Gracie never gets told no and when she does it's a gateway drug into motivation.

"Mmm, I don't think so." I say smiling at Gracie mischievously.

I don't even get to hear Antonio's response before I'm dragged through the crowd by an excited Gracie.


"Louis hold my legs up!" I scream over the blaring music and cheering voices. I put my hands over the keg as the crowd screams my name repeatedly.

Louis is a haze under the blurry strobe lights that flash around us, but I feel him take my legs, lifting them into the air so I can get better access to the funnel that stems from the keg. He holds my shirt in place as I take it in my mouth, sucking the burning liquid as it goes directly to my head. I get woozy just thinking about the blood rushing to my skull, but I stick through it as the crowd yells my name in motivation and admiration.

When I can't take the burn anymore I tap out and Louis brings me down. Everyone cheers and whistles patting me on the back.

I can barely feel my bullet wound from all the alcohol, but I get reminded of its presence every time I move my stomach an inch. The uncomfortable bandage makes me want to rip it off and throw it away. I have to get the stitches removed soon, but right now I couldn't care less.

Louis pulls out his ringing phone as I close my eyes, moving through the bodys in the crowd, trying to find Gracie. The lights are becoming too much for my eyes. I know having 4 shots and downing multiple swallows of beer couldn't help, but that's tomorrow's problem.

Gracie and I bump into each other laughing a little too excessively and finding a spot away from the crowd. "Are you ready for this?" She yells, bringing out a perfectly made blunt.

"Mmhhmm." I hum, careful not to talk too much because I know it would come out in a slurred mess of words.

"Come on." Gracie takes me to the flaming bonfire that sits right next to the tent in which we came from. People gather around it passing around blunts of their own. I take a seat closest to the fire on a long log, splaying my hands out to warm them.

I suck in a cold breath of salty air, the smell is so nostalgic.

Taking out a lighter, she puts it in her mouth sucking at the blunt as the flame attaches to the end allowing Gracie to take a big drag.

She giggles, blowing out the smoke and handing it to me.

Before I get to take it I hear Louis calling my name in the distance. I widen my eyes at Gracie, unable to keep my laughter in. "We should hide." I propose.

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