Chapter thirty-one

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We getting a Louis pov, yayyyy!!


Louis pov:

I swear I feel my eyes flutter closed at the feel of her in my arms. Her soft skin is like a fire burning my skin and making me heat up everywhere. This is where she belongs. She belongs here with me and Angelo, not with her father, and certainly not with the dumbasses who threatened to take her from us.

She rolls her head back on my chest, no longer able to stay awake from the pills that make her sleepy.

"We're almost there." It's no use speaking to her now. She's dead to the world, practically drooling on my shoulder.

"Angelo..." She whispers in her unconscious state, plucking a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

I chuckle lightly, lying her on the bed with ease. "It's Louis, baby." I tuck her body under the covers. I grab a hair tie from the side table and I adjust it on her hair forming a ponytail.

"Looeyy." She whispers in a sing-song voice. "I told you not to let me take those pills. They make me sleepy."

"Sleeping pills tend to do that to you." I laugh outwardly.

"I don't want to sleep. I don't want to have bad dreams." She whines and my heart speeds up.

"Bad dreams?" I question moving closer to her with an instinct to be near her.

Her eyes welled up with tears. "Don't make me take them anymore." She whispers, fighting her consciousness.

I sit down on the bed beside her pulling her into my chest. Fuck. "What are they about, the bad dreams?"

Her eyes pierce mine when she pulls back. "My father," Her nose is stuffy and her voice never leaves a low whine. "There's so many things I never dealt with."

"You can tell me."

"The one I have every night..." She gulps, seeing Angelo at the corner of her eye, his body resting on the door frame. "I lie in bed, the sheets do little to protect me from the cold room. I must've been 10 or 11, I'm not even sure I remember anymore." She closes her eyes like she is in pain. "I- well I thought I saw movement near the closet, probably a figment of my child's imagination, but I was terrified nonetheless. I flipped open the covers running down the hallway to my mother and father's room. I wanted my mom. I needed her to comfort me. But when I woke her up I woke my father up as well" She closes her eyes, gripping the sheets letting out a sob. Angelo's eyes are angry and his body is completely still like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. "He got really mad. Explosive even. He climbed out of bed, immediately grabbing onto my arm and he took me down the hallway back into my room. He tied my arms and legs to a chair. I begged him to stop. My mom begged him to stop but he was ruthless. He delivered hit after hit and when my face was unrecognizable he lit a cigarette and-" She stops not able to finish. "I should've known better, I shouldn't of went into his room."

Tears slip down her cheeks. Angelo moves from the door, takes off his jacket and he climbs into bed with her letting her rest on his chest. Ruth makes him different. He never used to do that type of shit for anyone, hell neither did I.

I feel Angelos's eyes on me. He's communicating his rage through his eyes. I have a feeling we're thinking the same thing.

Ruth's father needs to die.

"You didn't deserve that," I whisper, gripping her hand in mine and bringing my other hand to her warm thigh. I grip deeply at the thought of little Ruth getting hit by her father and burned with the end of a cigarette. I've never wanted to kill someone more in my entire life.

"You won't ever have to see him again," Angelo repeats what I'm thinking from the depths of his throat.

She sobs even harder. "I don't want you guys to get hurt." Her small left-hand tugs mine and her other grips Angelos shirt.

"He won't hurt us, rue," I say soothingly. She's been through so much, I can't bear the thought of anything else happening to her. "So what if we have another enemy, we'll just add it to the pile." I tap her nose with my forefinger.

She smiles through her rosy cheeks filled with tears. "I'm so tired." She directs her attention to Angelo. "Will one of you stay with me tonight?"

The fact that she even has to ask.

Angelo nudges his nose in her neck, he breathes in deeply. "I'll stay." He whispers. I turn around pulling up a chair from the corner and grabbing her hand again stroking my thumb over her warm skin. Her breathing slows and her tears stop as her eyes slowly close.

"Tomorrow." He growls. "Tomorrow we'll kill her father." 


Purrr, okay ms girl do ur little thing. 

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