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"Oh and Tubbo, I need you to come and stop by our house tomorrow morning. I need to talk to you."

As you entered your house, you wondered why Dream needed to talk to Tubbo, you would ask him yourself but you knew he wouldn't tell you because he didn't discuss business to anyone but George and Sapnap. Yes, you were his best friend but some things he kept secret from you. You knew little things, you knew about his planning room, his secret base where he keeps his most valuable items and that was about it. If needs to talk business he goes straight to his partners.

Sometimes you got jealous that Dream talked business with them and not with you because you would like to know his plans, not only for Wilbur and Tommy, but because you could be useful to help the village, that was before you became a spy. You had to admit that suggesting to be a spy was a crazy idea, but like you said, you didn't like that Dream lied to you.

You were most scared that you would hurt George and Sapnap as well when they find out you are a spy, but a part of you hopes they will understand. But with Dream, you know that he won't understand and might even disown you. You just hope that you can be quiet when grabbing plans and Dream's items.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go out by yourself." Dream said as you were sat at the table with steak, potatoes and carrots in front of you. "How did you hit your head off that tree?" Sapnap asked you. "I don't really remember." You said hoping they will believe you, to your surprise, they did. "Did Wilbur or Tommy do this? Did one of them push you down to hit your head?" Dream asked.

"Why would they do that?" You sled while taking a bite of the potatoes. "Because they aren't good people remember?" George said. "Remember we told you what why?" "Wilbur and Tommy are the bad guys, they didn't want to follow our rules and they tried fighting me to get Tommy's disks back, well Tommy and Tubbo did." Dream said.

Would that be why Dream wants to talk to Tubbo? Because he helped Tommy? In their defence, Dream did have something of Tommy's that seemed to be important to all three of them. You knew Dream was lying again, and you wanted to tell him that they aren't the bad guys but you knew it would blow your cover.

"If Wilbur and Tommy did this to you I swear-" "They didn't." You say cutting off Dream. "They didn't push me down and I didn't see them, don't worry." "Good, because if they did hurt you, we would have to pay them a visit at their new country." Dream said.

That was the side of him you were scared to see, the violent side, you wished to never see that side. It was this side of him that you knew you made the right choice helping Wilbur and Tommy. During this, your best friend was gone, his sweet innocent side was just a myth, a side that barely ever showed, only when he was with you. His violent side only came out while he was with George and Sapnap. It was like he forgot you were there.

"We would have hurt those two badly for touching you."

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