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"And I can take you to Dream's special hideout to get weapons and armour for you guys like I promised."
You and Tubbo both walked to his house in silence. But it was a good silence, not an awkward one. You were still upset at the fact that Dream kicked Tubbo out of the village, but you were glad Tubbo didn't say anything about you, Fundy and Eret.

When you got to Tubbo's house, you helped him pack all his valuables and anything else he wanted. You both walked to the edge of town with 2 backpacks full of his things.

"Okay, I will let you know this now. No one else but me and Dream know about this hidden stash of items he has, if Wilbur and Tommy need something for this stash, please tell me so I can get it myself, if you wanted into the stash while Dream is in there, it'll end badly for you." You say while looking at Tubbo, who nodded. "Got it."

You lead Tubbo into the forest and away from the village. You were lucky that the forest covered up most of the sunlight so you knew Punz, who was Dream trusted watch dog, wouldn't see you showing Tubbo the secret stash.

You walked up to a pile of leaves that were on the ground, of course they were fake leaves so they could stay in that one spot year round. You set down Tubbo's backpack and pushed the piles of leaves to the side revealing a trap door. You heard a small "whoa" come from Tubbo has you moved the leaves.

"What do you think Wilbur and Tommy need the most right now?" You asked him. Tubbo thought for a second. "Well, Wilbur doesn't like wearing armour so I would say weapons, a couple swords and bows." He replied. "Alright, stay here and watch out for anyone." You said as you opened the trapdoor and went down the ladder that went straight down to Dreams hidden stash.

Luckily for you, Dream wasn't here. You entered the room and went to the weapons chest. Most of Dream's stashed weapons and armour were enchanted netherite so you knew they would be useful to L'Manberg. You grabbed 6 netherite swords and 6 bows, each with the same amount of arrows. You figure that they could use some archery lessons in case some of them don't know how to shoot a bow, lucky for you, you're amazing at shoot a bow thanks to your training with Sapnap.

You put the swords, bows and arrows in an large backpack and carried it on you back as you climbed back up the ladders. You shut the trapdoor and covered it with the leaves before grabbing Tubbo's backpack again. "Alright, let's head to L'Manberg and give Wilbur and Tommy the weapons." You say, which Tubbo nodded too and you both started to walk to L'Manberg.

Once you both reached L'Manberg, you saw Tommy outside practicing his sword techniques with a dummy and Wilbur inside of his van. Tommy looked over and saw you and Tubbo walking towards him. "Y/N! Tubbo!" The blond said happily and came over to you guys. "Tommy!" You say happily as well, happy to see Tommy.

"What do you have in the bags?" He asked, his head tilted to the side. "Tubbo has his things and I brought weapons like promised." You said smiling. "Oh weapons! Wilbur is going to be happy you brought them. Hey Wil! Come out and see what Y/N brought us!" Tommy yelled back at the van. A couple seconds later, Wilbur walked out of the van and towards you three. "Hello Y/N, it's good to see you again, you as well Tubbo." Wilbur said.

"Same goes to you." You say. "What is this you brought us as Tommy said." Wilbur asked. You took the bag off you shoulder and handed it to him. "It has weapons in it, six enchanted netherite swords and six enchanted bows with matching arrows for each set." You say.

Wilbur and Tommy both widen their eyes at what you said. "I promised weapons from Dream's stash so I brought the best weapons he has." You say again. "Nice work Y/N! I'm so glad you're on our side!" Tommy piped up with a smile planted on his face.

Wilbur grinned. "With these weapons, and some training, I think we might win against Dream."

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