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Tommy had a plan to get L'Manberg it's independence, Tommy knew that Dream wanted many things, L'Manberg to fall was one of them, but the thing he knew Dream wanted more, was his disc's, and even if his disc were his most valuable items, he was willing to give them up, for the independence of L'Manberg.

Tommy made his way to his home. He was slightly nervous knowing that he was about to give Dream, the man who destroyed his land, and L'Manberg, and the man who severely injured you, his discs, his most prized possessions. He knew he was going to regret giving him the discs, but Tommy knew it's what he had to do for L'Manberg, and for you.

When Tommy reached his land, he saw all the destruction that was left from the war, his land destroyed. Tommy wanted to be sad over it, but his took a deep breath and proceeded to walk into his house. Once he entered his home, he walked over to his ender chest and opened it, revealing Cat and Mellohi. He reached down and grabbed both discs before closing the chest and walking back outside.

When he looked up, he was met with Dream, wearing full armour and his shield in hand. Tommy sighed and walked over to him.

"I'll do this for L'Manberg, I'll give you both of the discs, if you let us have our independence." The young boy said quietly. Dream looked at him with shock, never did he think Tommy would give up his discs for the independence of L'Manberg. "Wait..." Dream said slowly. "Cat and Mellohi." Tommy said before Dream could finish.

Dream looked at the discs in Tommy's hand before looking back at him. "That's a very interesting deal, that is very selfless of you, those are your discs." "For L'Manberg, for Wilbur, for Tubbo, for Y/N." Tommy paused for a second after mentioning your name. "Not for Eret!" He exclaimed before continuing. "You know what, the two discs, from our war, from our war Dream."

"I'll grant you technical independence, for both discs, which would mean, no war, but we still consider that you're a part of that same thing you fought against." Dream said. "Well yeah, that's just you being deluded, that's fine." "No, it's not, it's just, we basically won't fight you unless we have a really good reason to. We will not go into your grounds unless we are allowed." Dream replied. "You'll respect us."

Tommy looked down at his discs before handing them over to Dream. "Yeah, just, independence." Tommy said. Dream looked at Tommy and held out his hand, Tommy looked at his hand before shaking it. "Independence." Dream said. "Let's go back to L'Manberg, so you can tell Wilbur the news and I can call Sapnap, George, Punz and Eret off."

Tommy nodded and they both began to walk back to the land of L'Manberg. "You know Tommy," Dream started as both boys walked. "I have known Y/N my whole life, and I can say that, I have never seen her so devoted to something like she was to fight alongside you guys, she has become a stronger person because of you guys. You made a warrior out of someone who tended gardens every day, I think you guys have made her happier than she ever was." Dream paused before looking at Tommy as he walked. "You guys are her new home, never forget that. Take care of her Tommy, tell Wilbur to do the same. Y/N has never loved anybody as much as she loves Wilbur, I saw that today." He finished. Tommy looked at him with a surprised face, but nodded.

The two boys made it back to L'Manberg, Eret, Sapnap, Punz and George waiting at the entrance of L'Manberg while Wilbur paced inside wondering where Tommy was. Dream gestured to his team to stand down and move aside, so Tommy could enter his country. They did as they were told and moved aside, and Tommy walked into L'Manberg. Tubbo looked towards the entrance and saw Tommy walking towards them, he quickly patted Wilbur's shoulder and pointed to Tommy. Wilbur instantly walked over to Tommy and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Wilbur, I... I secured our independence." Tommy said quietly while looking at his leader. "You, you what?" Wilbur said shockingly. "What?" Fundy said from behind Wilbur. "How? What?" Tubbo asked. "How? What did you do?" "What have you've done?"

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