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"Tomorrow we will start our plans to win this war."

After your small meeting with Wilbur and the others, you, Fundy, Eret and Tubbo walked back to the Dream SMP.

You had your arms around Eret's and Fundy's shoulders to help make it look real. As you entered the Dream SMP village, George quickly noticed the four of you and quickly called for Dream and Sapnap who were inside of your guys house. The three of the quickly walked over to the four of you and they quickly took notice to the bandage that was around your head.

"Fundy what happened?" Dream asked breaking his stare from you head to the boy beside you. "Me, Tubbo and Eret were out hunting like usual and we found Y/N laying down unconscious beside a tree, I'm guessing she hit her head off of it by tripping and had a fair sized gash on her forehead, luckily I had medical supplies on me." Fundy explained to Dream. He looked back at you and placed his hands on your shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked you, his voice soften. You nodded. "I'm okay, don't worry." You replied quietly.

Dream nodded. "Thank you guys for seeing her and tending to her head injury." "Of course, shes lucky we found her." Eret said patting your head gently.

You had to admit, you didn't like lying to Dream, not since he's your best friend, but you knew that behind that smile of his and innocent eyes, there's a violent side to him, one that has been lying to you. You did want to help Wilbur and Tommy gain independence for their own country, but you wish lying wasn't a part of the plan, but you had to do your part like you promised, even if you hated the idea of it.

"Well, we're going to steal Y/N back from you guys and have her eat dinner since she could use it to help gain her strength back." Dream said, to which you all nodded and you started to walk away from the 3 boys with Dream, Sapnap and George. "Oh and Tubbo, I need you to come and stop by our house tomorrow morning. I need to talk to you." Dream said as you kept walking away. "Got it." You heard Tubbo say. You looked back at the boys, who all gave you a nod before walking away to their own homes.

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