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From a distance, sitting on top of a hill towering over L'Manberg, Dream sat looking down at you and Wilbur, which made him furious. His blood boiled as he watched you two kiss. He was furious because, as he saw it, you left him for Wilbur, his enemy, and he told himself he wouldn't forgive you. He needed to get back at Wilbur for taking you away from him, and he knew exactly what he would do, luckily for him, he had someone on the inside already building that plan. Who is that man?


It was now morning and you, along with Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo were still lying around the fire. After the victory celebration of your win against Dream, you all fell asleep around the fire, Tommy fell asleep with his legs on top of Tubbo's back as Tubbo fell asleep on his stomach. Fundy fell asleep curled up in a ball, and Eret had fallen asleep sitting up. As for you and Wilbur, you fell asleep with your body curled up against him while he was sleeping sitting up like Eret, his arm was tightly around your waist, not wanting to let go. All of you were still asleep, but not Eret, who was ways away from L'Manberg, meeting with Dream.

"Do you remember what you have to do?" Dream asked Eret, staring at him intensely, twirling his dagger in between his fingers. "The crown for the Dream SMP is on the line." "Don't worry," Eret spoke softly, not wanting to anger Dream in any way. "I have the room all ready, I will lead everyone down into the room and as soon as they open their chest's, I will press the button, letting you, Sapnap, Georgeand Punz in." "Good," Dream replied. "Make sure Wilbur's chest is in front." Dream said, anger slipping through his words. "Already done." Eret said, noticing his change in tone. "Good, now go back to L'Manberg and act like everything is normal, by noon, we will be there." Eret nodded and stood up, about to walk away before being stopped. "Eret, if you succeed, you will be crowned king of the Dream SMP, so do not fail me." Dream said before ramming his dagger into the tree trunk he was sitting on. Eret only nodded and starting walking back to L'Manberg.


As Eret made his way back to L'Manberg, everyone started to wake up and by the time Eret got back, everyone was up and moving around. Tommy and Tubbo were practicing, Tommy with archery and Tubbo with his sword and shield, Fundy was making sure he had all the medical supplies he needed in case another war breaks out and you and Wilbur were in his van, talking about random things that came to your minds. To Eret's surprised, no one notices him enter L'Manberg, if anyone was to ask him where he was when they woke up, he would simply say that he was working on something. Eret looked down at his clock and saw it was only 3 hours till noon, which meant he had time to kill.

Seconds turned in minutes, and the minutes turned into hours, and it was now noon. Eret looked at the sky before walking into Wilbur's van where everyone was, eating and talking. "Eret, Eret, come sit, Fundy just made us some baked potatoes for lunch!" Tommy chirped as he held up his plate. "I'm quite alright, thank you though, I actually had something to show you guys something." He said, looking at everyone. "I have grinded for a secret weapon." "A secret weapon?" Tubbo asked as he set his fork down. "What is it?" Wilbur said, looking at Eret after taking a sip of water. "I'm going to need you to join me, it's the element of surprise." Eret said, looking at everyone. You and the others looked at each other before nodding and standing up.

Eret lead the 5 of you out of Wilbur's van and into the forest nearby L'Manberg where there was a hole in the ground. "Eret what is this?" Tommy asked as he looked from the hole and at Eret. "You will see." Eret replied as he walked into the hole and down the long hallway. You followed behind with Wilbur behind you, you were all very confused on what Eret was about to show you, but as you reached the room, you all gasped in shock, you were all surprised by the room you walked into. "Eret what the fuck is this? " Tommy asked as he looked around. "Eret what is this?" Tubbo asked him as well. "Gentlemen and Y/N this, is the final room, the final control room." Eret said. You all looked around and saw chests on the ground with everyone's names on each chest. You walked up to yours that was besides Wilbur's, you both opened your chests and noticed that they were empty. "There empty." Wilbur said and looked at you before looking at Eret. You did the same and saw Tommy looking at a button that was in the middle of the room. "What does this button do?" Tommy asked before pressing the button.

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