1 ; Prologue

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It was another day in the Dream SMP, everyone was out and doing their own thing. Your best friend Dream was out with your other 2 best friends Sapnap and George hunting and looking for more materials to build onto the village while you were tending the crops and animals like you do everyday.

You and Dream have been best friends for your entire lives and you came with him on his journey to create a village on the land he had purchased from the village you two grew up in. When you got there, it was only the two of you and you two had just a small hut to stay in as you worked on getting more materials to build a village. Along the way you met Sapnap and George who at first Dream was unsure about but as time went on you trusted each other and they helped you two build the village Dream set out to build and that is Dream SMP. 

The village was built 2 years ago and you honestly would never leave this place, as soon as it was built, you instantly fell in love with it. Other than you four there are a couple more villagers to the village, Tubbo, Eret, Fundy, Punz, Badboyhalo and more. Dream plans on making the village full and plans to expand. There was two other villagers named Wilbur and Tommy but Dream had told you that they left the village to go start their own one on his land. 

You didn't know Wilbur and Tommy that much so you told yourself not to judge them for doing so but you couldn't wrap your head around why they would leave. The village is well protected with many guards, it has lots of farms, with plenty of food and animals, materials for new buildings and homes, amazing people and even a great leader like Dream and his right hand man, George. 

Dream SMP was your home and you loved staying there. Or so, that's what you thought.


Hi everyone! Yes I am back from yet another writers block and yes with another new book. Lately I have found myself in love with the Dream SMP series and decided to write a new book about it that i hope you guys will show love and support to. I will update my other books soon as i get settled with this one. Most of the book updates will focus on this book for now but i promise i will update my other books as well.

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